Two: The Raven

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"Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,

Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore"

- Edgar Allan Poe

'The Raven'


Hope wished she did not have to come with the Headteacher but knew that he would not leave her in a building with his daughters without him being near. That lack of trust pained the tribrid, the knowledge that no matter how long Alaric had known the girl, that he would never trust her because a past years gone, because to him her father's sins are the sins of the daughter. It was a pain that Hope has to live with but a pain that she is becoming numb to.

She was however happy to help a new wolf that is going through something that must terrify them, so as much as she wished to be back in her room looking over the siphoner that had been sleeping in her room. Hope and her wolf are in agreeance that leaving Josie felt wrong. They wished to protect the younger girl and leaving it felt like they were leaving her in the lion's den. They knew it untrue but still felt this all imposing protectiveness that they couldn't shake.

The screech of the tires brought Hope out of her thoughts, jumping out of the car she noticed a face that brought back memories of her last day with her father and uncle, "Landon," she lightly spoke. Grief overpowered all other thoughts and emotions, she had a job to do but she's picturing their faces and how now she was never able to her mother the small crush she harboured for the curly-haired boy, and now that she will never be able to tell her the feelings she has for Josie and that Hayley will never be able to help Hope navigate the complexity of those feelings and the interference that the Wolf has in them. She will never get to see Klaus be ridiculously overprotective when she tells him how she feels about the Saltzman's girl, her father's protectiveness of her is the cause of many stories in her family and many nightmares of the supernatural that listened to tales that came from those of New Orleans in the years after her birth. And Elijah still had so much to teach her that now she had to learn by herself. The loss of her parents and Elijah caused a lot of pain for her whole family because it felt like the end of 'Always and Forever and now that she's in Mystic Falls and not with her family, with those that are left, the promise feels less than it was.

"Hope?" Landon questioned, confusing Alaric, with Hope's anti-social tendencies he was unaware that she knew people outside of the school and her family, "You two know each other?" he said, voicing his confusion. Hope did not what to go there, her painful thoughts going to back of her mind, but not leaving, they never leave, "Long Story."


Landon was not comfortable with this at all. Rafael was in no way a Catholic and shouldn't need to confess his sins, yes Landon was aware his brother was not in the right here but he could have done something like pay Hector and Maria off and not have to into a creepy church at night. It felt very horror movie beginning but he couldn't do much except wait outside and see how Rafael felt afterwards. Landon sat down on the church steps with his earphones in and music blaring in his ears.

The screeching of tires made Landon look up to where he saw her. Hope. A girl from a couple of years ago and to him she was even more beautiful than before, something he did not think was possible. When he left he thought that was it, that he would never see her again. His name fell from lips and her voice still sounded like a song sung by angels, he thought that maybe the universe was giving him another chance when he looked into her eyes all he could see was surprise that turned into ice once they heard his brother scream and the sound of glass shattering.

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