Belly was broken out off her thoughts, when Conrad miserably trudged out of the house, adjusting his jumper. Belly looked over at him, a smile spreading wide across her face, Conrad saw Belly, even he looked shocked, she had certainly grown. Although the look wasn't close to the one Jere had given her, it was more of that proud older sibling look, like seeing your little sibling finally grow up. As he came to a halt, standing by her, she smiled more at him, growing slightly red, while Conrad awkwardly cleared his throat, " I liked you better with glasses . " he jokingly commented,
Belly looked taken aback, before she returned the comment, " Too bad, I like me better without them. ".
Not knowing what else to say, Conrad ruffled her hair in a teasing manner, while Belly ducked, laughing happily.

Suddenly, a ' mysterious ' taxi pulled up, gaining everyone's attention. Amongst the confusion, was Susannah smiling knowingly.

Matilda got out the cab, grinning excitedly. She couldn't help herself, to rush over to Conrad straight away. Conrad's jaw dropped, as he ran over to the girl, pulling her into a tight hug, picking her up and spinning her around. Matilda held onto him tightly, her head buried into his shoulder as she chuckled.
Conrad placed her down gently, still holding onto her, his smile was so wide it didn't leave his face,
" you said you couldn't come! " he exclaimed,
Matilda and Susannah shared a smirk, before she joked, " I can leave if you like. "
"No!" he said immediately, pulling her back into a tight, gentle hug.

Belly stood confused, who on earth is this blonde girl, and why is Conrad acting like she's his girl friend, or something..?

" Mom, you didn't tell us Tilly was coming! " Jeremiah grinned happily, Matilda was like a second older sibling to Jeremiah.

" Well, it's certainly a treat to have our lovely Matilda here with us! " Susannah gushed, putting her hands together happily, while Laurel smiled.

" Oh Susannah, you're making me blush! " Matilda joked, wondering over to the group so Matilda could greet the others. Susannah was the first out of the rest of them to pull Matilda into a hug, " Thank you so much for this Suze. " she smiled,
"Of course my love, any time. you're family!" Susannah told her warmly, but firmly.
Belly couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. Who was this oddly pretty girl, and why were they all obsessed with her?

Laurel smiled warmly at Matilda, " Hey Matilda, it's been a while my love! " . The two had already met, as throughout Matilda's childhood she was always around the Fishers, meaning she's caught Laurel a few times when she's came to visit the Fisher family, and even Steven when he sometimes came for sleepovers.
" it really has, it's so great to see you again Laurel! " Matilda responded politely, earning a fond smile from Laurel, making Belly for some reason, feel even more sick at this sight.

" Uhm, excuse me? Can I not have my hug now?" Jeremiah joked impatiently,

Matilda jokingly contemplated for a second as she turned to him, "Nahh, sorry." she told him, earning a chuckle from everyone apart from Belly.
Jeremiah gasped at the response, but Matilda pulled him into a sisterly hug, " Only kidding, hey little one. "
Jeremiah hugged her, "Oh shut up." he rolled his eyes, pulling away.
Steven then side hugged Matilda politely aswell, "Hey!" they both said, although they had seen eachother at the Fishers house numerous times, they were friendly enough as they were mutuals on social media.

Finally, Belly. Belly was standing behind the sort of circle, her arms folded. Matilda turned round excitedly smiling at her, " Hey! you're Belly right? "
Belly looked her up and down, mustering a little smile, "Isabelle, yeah." she responded bluntly, taking everyone back.  Matilda kept her same smile, but Conrad could tell easily her confidence had been knocked. " You're Matilda?" Belly asked.
"Oh yeah, I'm Matilda, Matilda Lockwood!" Matilda replied, slightly awkwardly. to make the situation less awkward, Susannah and Laurel started talking, and so did Steven and Jeremiah. Conrad pretended to leave the conversation, but he still listened in.
" Right, cool meeting you I guess. No one's ever mentioned you before. "  Belly lied. To be honest, Belly does recognise the name Matilda now she thinks about it, but for some reason, Belly feels like a bitch for, she didn't want to be nice to Matilda. Conrad narrowed his eyes, he wasn't stupid, he knew Belly has a little thing for him, but he thought now he was with Matilda, she'd just..get over it?

Suddenly, Jeremiah and Steven, along with Conrad wondered over to the girls.

Jeremiah started checking a non existent watch on his arm,
"Hey guys I dunno about you, but I think it's time-" Steven began .
"For a Belly flop!" Jere and Steven beamed in unison.
Belly's eyes widened in horror, as the three boys laughed, while Matilda raised a brow.

The three boys grabbed Belly, after her best attempts to fight them off, and ran towards the pool, Matilda followed closely behind, shaking her head.




And splash, into the pool Belly goes.

Jeremiah and Steven howled with laughter, high fiving eachother. Conrad chuckled at this stupid tradition, and wondered over to Matilda, wrapping his arm round her shoulder.

Belly came up to the surface, "that's not funny guys! I really hurt my ankle!" she complained. Jeremiah and Steven laughed even more.

"Sorry Bells." Jeremiah told her, looking genuine.

"Someone help me out!" Belly demanded, reaching out an arm, but her gaze was on Conrad.
Conrad felt Matilda shift slightly, and he looked away from Belly's gaze awkwardly, kissing Matilda's cheek.

Jeremiah went over, taking Bellys hand, but Belly pulled him in with her, causing Conrad, Matilda and Steven to laugh hysterically.

After a few moments of laughing at Jeremiah spluttering out water, Conrad whispered into Matildas ear "c'mon, I wanna show you round" he smiled, directing her into the house.
"Con, I don't think you even understand how excited I am, like I lost my shit just driving past the welcome sign." Matilda rambled on, causing Conrad to smile at his girlfriend.

The couple finally reached Conrad's room,

"So, this is where you'll be staying this summer, uh- with me, if that's okay, if not I can sort something out-" Conrad rambled on, as Matilda looked round his room, smiling at all the little Conrad things like his rowing certificates, the photos of them together.

Matilda turned round to face Conrad, whose scratching the back of his neck. " all summer with you, how will I ever cope? " Matilda joked, walking over to him, and wrapping her arms around his neck.

Conrad picked up on the energy, and responded, " Oh, is this how it's gonna be hm? " he smirked, as he swiftly grabbed Matilda and started tickling her.

"Conrad!" Matilda laughed, "Stop!" she exclaimed through her laughter, trying to escape his grip.

All her protesting, caused the two to fall back into his bed, both lying back flat, laughing.

Conrad decided to stop terrorising his girlfriend, and they just lied there laughing.

After the laughter faded, they both lied there with smiles on there faces.

Matilda turned her head to look at Conrad.
Conrad could immediately feel her warm gaze, and opened his arm, Matilda moved over to him, and he wrapped his arm round her.

" I missed you so much " Conrad told her, speaking quietly.

" I saw you yesterday " Matilda replied back quietly, smiling, even though she missed him too.

" I don't care " Conrad chuckled, leaning down and kissed her carefully on the lips, one hand on her waist, one still wrapped round her shoulder still.
Matilda smiled, as she kissed him back, she moved one hand from his chest, to his jaw.

The two pulled away, and Matilda tells him, " I'm sorry I lied about not being allowed to come. at first, I really wasn't, but your Mom and I make a good team at persuading my Dad. " she chuckled.

"It's okay." Conrad smiled. "I'm just so happy you're here. " he reassured her, looking genuine. "Hey, is that why you came in a cab?" he asked.

"Yeah, Dad didn't wanna drop me, or stay." Matilda explained. Conrad looked annoyed, "asshole." he simply muttered.

Matilda shrugged, chuckling, " that's Dads for you " , Conrad shook his head, chuckling also " You're not wrong. " He smiled.

" Tilda! Connie! " Susannah yelled, her voice filled with her usual comforting bubbly tone. "Dinner!"

" Oh, yes, I love Susannah's cooking! " Matilda grinned, pulling Conrad up as he chuckled at her.

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