day in the life - 05

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*adrianaquinney has just uploaded a new video*

spend a day with me! - adrianaquinney

adriana woke up, fixing up her hair and grabbed her camera, ready to start filming. 'good morning my loves, it is currently 5:40am on a saturday and i'm still sat in bed.'

'right, today is going to be a productive day as the state of my apartment is an absolute abomination. speaking of, let me grab my journal and write a quick do to list.'

setting her camera down on a pillow and grabbing her journal and pen, adriana continued: 'okay right, i'm going to head to the gym and pick up some food from the grocery store because my fridge is empty, then come back and start a deep clean because this apartment needs it then that should lead up to me making dinner. oo i might go for a little night run if i can be bothered.'

'okay now time to start my day!'


'i'm not really in the mood to do much makeup just to sweat it off so i'm just going to do my normal morning routine, skincare, teeth, getting ready etc.'

she filmed a little time lapse and a short few clips of her getting ready to edit in later.


stopped at a red light, the brunette began to film the next clip, 'okays so now i'm on my way to the gym. normally i run but i am so tired so driving is gonna have to do.'


'i'm thinking today is going to be some abs and maybe some arms but i'm going to start as i always do, stretching and 20 minutes on the treadmill and stair master because it kills me but i feel like it's been helping a lot so let's start!'

adriana also filmed a few other little time lapses of her workout.


'right so i am home now and exhausted, i've decided against showering immediately because i just think it'll be a waste being clean in a dirty apartment so, let's get cleaning because i think i'm going to walk to the grocery store later and get my stock ups!'

she began by taking all of the dirty dishes from her home into the kitchen, then tidying up her living room, putting things away and folding up all of the blankets. once tackled, she moved on to her kitchen, throwing most of the dishes into the dishwasher and handwashing the larger pans and more delicate kitchenware. wiping up the counters and shelves took some time so as she finished, the dishwasher cycle had completed.

finishing up her kitchen, she moved on to the bathroom and later her bedroom.

'okay so my room is definitely the worst of them all. let's not judge so am going to start by sorting out my closet and half of this mess will definitely get cleared up.' while filming her cleaning clips, she realised the music wasn't cutting it so she decided to play some youtube.

'right this may sound odd considering they're literally my best friends but i'm gonna play some sturniolo triplets because it'll make this go quicker.'

playing videos made by her favourite people did, unsurprisingly, make time go by faster as she completed the strenuous task of organising her bedroom go by much faster.

it had just hit 5pm when she finished folding and putting away all the clothes she'd washed and vaccumed, as well as mopped. finally satisfied with how clean her home looked and with all the clips she took, she continued filming.


'right so the apartment is finally fucking clean after what felt like years, but now i'm going to hop into the shower and i figure an everything shower is only appropriate after washing my sheets and everything.'

adri filmed a few small clips of the products she uses and her shower running, but other than that she enjoyed the peace of the warm water running through her hair and down her body.


a few more shorts were filmed of her outfit and adriana doing her hair.

'right so i have curly hair which is kind of a bitch on wash days, but i'm going to speed through the routine because i'm planning on filming a full routine for tiktok so you can watch it over there probably by the time this video's posted.'

grabbing her bag and slipping on her airforces, adri headed out of the building and started her walk to the store.

'right so i know you guys love my outfit details so, i'm wearing these flared leggings from h & m and this sweater is rosemary's so i don't actually know where it's from. anyways i just threw on my white airforces and i have my normal jewellery on as always.'


'i hate filming in public but here we go, i'm thinking of doing hunter's chicken for dinner so im grabbing some mash, some veggies and the hunters chicken for me to cook.'

the brunette continued to film small clips as she couldn't find it in her to keep talking to a camera in the busy grocery store.


SZA was playing in the background as adriana danced around her kitchen while cooking. it was something that made her feel at peace and it sort of comforted her. cooking was one of the things that she could definitely do and it made her feel

she again filmed some stuff then sat down at her dining table to film and eat.

'right, so i figured i could eat and talk to you guys because i've been meaning to do a little talking video for a while. before i start i want to check in on all of you guys, so let me know how you are, what you're doing or have been up to and please make sure you're all eating and drinking!'

she stopped the camera to continue eating her food then towards the middle, she started again.

'so my plan for my next video is a q & a i think, but i need to actually plan some content out so please let me know what you all want to see.'

after finishing her meal, adriana washed her dishes and went to get into comfier clothes as her nightly skincare had already been done.


'so i think this is it for todays video! i've got my glass of water and i'm going to edit some stuff and plan out some content. thank you all for watching, i love you so much, and i'll see you soon! goodnight and goodbye my loves!'


swear i need to start making these chapters shorter, anyways here's some adriana youtube content!

love you guys - lissy and lia

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