To Be Two And Yet Be One

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She giggled, 'You remind me of an ape.'

Quasimodo stupidly looked at her before smiling back. 'Ah, well. There's a point at the very top of the tower. When I climb that, I may actually look like an ape to a passerby. Although they likely can't see that high.'

'Oh,' said Esmeralda with curiosity. 'I would love to go there.'

He amusedly smirked at the playfulness in her voice. How he missed her presence. 'It's very high. You shall not be able to. Even the construction workers don't go there.'

She raised her brows at the challenge. 'I'm not afraid of heights. I can give it a try, if you show me.' She cleared her throat in a substandard imitation of Frollo.


'I-I think I'm about to fall,' Esmeralda worried, praying for her feet to not stumble. With each passing moment she was regretting her decision. 'You're doing fine!' said Quasimodo, walking from close behind to watch out in case she lost her balance. 'Just don't look down.'

'Well I have to look down to see that I'm stepping on the correct stone!'

Her shoe caught on the edge of the roof. It only required another misstep for the cold gust of wind to drag her body downwards. She shrieked loudly as her wide eyes caught hold of the abyss below, till two sturdy hands grabbed her by the waist, stopping her fall. The view became stationary, but she didn't dare move.

Sleek strands of hair touched his face. They were so close- she could feel his heart thumping, just like he could hear her breaths slow down. He kicked her shoe out of the way, making it fall into nothingness. 'Remove the other one too, or it can make us trip.' His breathy voice arrived straight in her ear, sending tingles over her body.

She tried using the edge of the roof to remove the second shoe, but it didn't work. The position didn't allow her to use her other foot, and the ground was cold. Sensing her difficulty, he used his toes to free her foot. Getting rid of the shoe, she turned back and nearly slipped. He tightened his grip in time, but in a moment of panic, she seized his shoulders.

Quasimodo's heart skipped a beat. If he would've let go now, the girl would've plummeted straight to the ground a hundred feet below. 'Please don't leave me!' she sobbed.

The boy did not speak; he was out of speech. She clung on to him, unknowingly digging her nails into his back. 'Don't leave me!'

'I-am not leaving y-you, Esme- 'The chilly air hit his back. Her jaw dropped realizing that a part of his shirt had torn. 'I'm so sorry!' she cried.

'I... think that I will have to lift you.'

She nodded vigorously. He pulled her over his shoulder. In a second her mass of hair was upside down, her lips nearly touching his back. She thanked god that he couldn't see her face, for she knew that it was unreservedly helpless and embarrassed, and yet grateful.

He held her firmly while climbing-it was easy now. Their clumsy figures contrasted the graceful stretches of architecture they hopped on. An ancient statue of a blind cupid seemed to mock them. But what would that celestial Greek god know of the tribulations of petty earthly love?

She considered kissing his back before chastising herself internally for having thought of such a thing. After carrying her to the point with ease, he gently put her down. She must've still been mortified, as he said, 'I'm sorry for throwing off your footwear, but there was no other way.'

She looked down. 'I understand.'

He beamed a bit smugly. 'Being an ape is useful after all! Some tasks can only be performed by us.' She smiled in defeat, then grew concerned. He looked where she was looking at, and blushed. He was almost bare-chested.

Or Else Let Her Be Mine And Mine AloneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora