Ch : One

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In the bustling airport lounge, Ram anxiously awaited his flight to India, the weight of worry etched across his face. Suddenly, Alia appeared, gracefully carrying two steaming cups of coffee. She settled beside him, concern in her eyes mirroring his troubled demeanor.

Ram, gazing at Alia, confessed the heavy burden on his mind - his father's deteriorating health. He explained how it compelled him to leave for India urgently, disrupting their plan to embark on their journey together and solidify their impending marriage.

Alia, with a reassuring smile, insisted that she could wait for him, emphasizing that he need not fret about their shared future. As the airport buzzed around them, a poignant moment unfolded, blending love and understanding amidst the uncertainty of Ram's familial concerns.

With a lingering sense of sorrow, Ram embraced Alia tightly, as if trying to capture the essence of their connection in that final hug. The airport echoed with the distant hum of departure announcements and hurried footsteps.

In that poignant moment, unspoken emotions hung heavily in the air. Ram's grip conveyed a mixture of love, regret, and a touch of reassurance. Alia, too, held onto him as if reluctant to let go, her eyes reflecting the depth of their shared understanding.

As the embrace lingered, time seemed to stand still. Eventually, with a gentle yet firm release, Ram pulled away, his eyes locked with Alia's, silently conveying the weight of the circumstances. Without uttering a word, he turned to embark on his journey, leaving behind a bittersweet residue of shared moments and unspoken promises. The airport absorbed the gravity of their farewell as Ram walked away, each step carrying him further from Alia and into the uncertain path that awaited him.

As Ram hesitated at the entrance of the hospital, the sterile scent of antiseptic hung in the air, adding to the gravity of the moment. His uncertainty was palpable, mirroring the emotional turmoil within him.

In a gesture of comfort, Ram's mother reached out, gently clasping his hand. Her touch conveyed both strength and reassurance, a silent reminder that, despite the trepidation, they needed to face the harsh reality of his father's fragile state.

With a soft yet firm voice, Ram's mother encouraged him not to succumb to worry. She acknowledged the severity of his father's condition, emphasizing the importance of his resilience in this challenging time. As they proceeded into the hospital, their intertwined hands symbolized a shared commitment to confronting the impending difficulties together, drawing strength from the familial bond that bound them amid the looming uncertainty of the medical corridors ahead.

Ram entered the hospital room with tentative steps, the hushed atmosphere magnifying the gravity of the situation. His father lay on the bed, eyes closed, and upon Ram's gentle call, he opened them, a weak smile forming as he recognized his son.

In an attempt to rise, his father's frailty became apparent, but Ram, with a touch of concern, urged him to remain at ease. They engaged in a tender conversation, sharing snippets of normalcy amid the hospital's sterile environment.

As the dialogue unfolded, Ram's father, sensing the underlying worry in his son's eyes, reassured him that he was feeling better just by having Ram by his side. However, the mood shifted when his father, with a calm demeanor, acknowledged the inevitable truth - he was aware of his impending fate.

Ram, faced with the stark reality,

Father: It's so good to see you, my son. I've missed you.

Ram: I missed you too, Dad. I won't leave until you get better.

Father: Ram, listen. I appreciate that, but I know I'm not going to live much longer. I just want to spend my last days in peace.

Ram: pauses, then softly Dad, I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy in these final days. Your peace means everything to me.

As the days passed in a fleeting blur, Ram's father's health gradually improved, and the moment of discharge from the hospital arrived. Returning home, he was greeted by a sight that warmed his heart - Ram had adorned the entire house with vibrant flowers, creating an atmosphere of warmth and serenity.

Overwhelmed by the gesture, Ram's father couldn't help but express his gratitude. "Finally, I am living like a real person. Thank you, son," he said, a genuine smile playing on his lips.

Ram, modest in his response, insisted that he had done nothing extraordinary. The promise of better days ahead lingered in the air as Ram assured his father that, once he was completely recovered, they would embark on a tour together.

In response, Ram's father, touched by his son's thoughtful plans, smiled and tenderly caressed Ram's shoulder. The scene unfolded as a testament to the healing power of love and the simple joys that awaited them in the chapters beyond recovery.

As the evening settled into a quiet rhythm after dinner, Ram contemplated the conversation he was about to have with his father regarding Alia and their impending marriage. Determined, he decided to approach his father and share the news.

Just as he rose from the dining table, contemplating the best way to broach the topic, a light but distinct sound echoed through the house. Ram's attention was drawn towards the source, and with a sense of anticipation, he made his way to the door.

Opening it, he was met with the heartening sight of his father standing there, a faint smile on his face. The dim light in the hallway cast a warm glow, emphasizing the significance of the moment. Father and son exchanged a silent acknowledgment, a connection that transcended words, as if the subtle sound of the door had paved the way for an important and heartfelt conversation that awaited them in the sanctuary of the father's room.

Father: Ram, tell me about your life in Rome. How have things been lately?

Ram: Well, Dad, it's been quite an experience. I've been adjusting to the new surroundings, work, and all.

Father: *pauses* Ram, if there's something i want from you, will you do it?

Ram: *curious and chuckling* Of course, Dad. You know I'd do anything for you.

Father: *smiles* I mean something major, something about your life.

Ram: *serious* Dad, you're the most important person in my life. I'll do whatever it takes, no matter what it is. Your happiness means everything to me.

Ram: Dad, why are you hesitating? You can tell me anything. I'll always be by your side.

Father: *sighs* It might be too much to ask, but when you were a child, I made a promise to someone. Although they aren't alive anymore, I can't forget my commitment.

Ram: *furrows eyebrows* What promise, Dad?

Father: It's about Priya. I promised her father that she would be our daughter-in-law in the future.

Ram: *momentarily spellbound* Priya? But, Dad...

Father: I know, Ram. It's a lot to take in. I just wanted you to know about the promise I made long ago.

Ram: Priya? You mean Sharma uncle's daughter, right? But Dad, when did you...?

Ram found himself caught in a great dilemma, his mind racing with a whirlwind of emotions. Before he could articulate his thoughts, his father intervened.

Father: Ram, I've let you make your own choices in life, so this decision I leave to you. I won't force you. However, you said you'd do whatever makes me happy. I just shared this with you today. What could be happier than keeping my promise before I leave this earth?

Ram, feeling the weight of his father's words, tried to interrupt.

Ram: Dad, stop it. You'll live long, and we don't need to talk about...

His father, pointing upwards, gently continued.

Father: Ram, I just wanted you to know. It's your decision, and I won't push. But the thought of fulfilling this promise before I go brings me peace.

Ram, overwhelmed, left the room abruptly, grappling with the profound conversation that had just unfolded.

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