Part 20 begging a hunt

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we see akane and alpha in ozpin office  with ozpin glynda and ironwood 

ironwood: you two have a lot of explaining to do 

akane: i

glynda: that hardly fire it wasn't them who coursed  that commotion 

alpha: wel-

ironwood: they were fighting in the dance hall

ozpin: and a monster did come in and destroy the place

ironwood: yes and were did that monster come form 

glynda: this two have nothing to do with it 

ironwood: i have to disagree as oliva was controlled by that monster

ozpin: here name was emerald 

ironwood: yes and what happened to here 

ozpin: that what i would like to know 

akane: well 

alpha: a man named shadow dealt with them 

ironwood : that man 

ozpin: he seem to be on aware side 

ironwood: for now

ozpin: you two are free to go 

akane and alpha bow slightly and leave 

Glynda: she infiltered beacon 

ironwood: ozpin we need to increase security and check student if there conspiring against use 

ozpin: were aren't doing that 

ironwood: and why not

ozpin: that would show were in a crisis and that we don't trust aware students coursing a rift between use and them losing there trusted

ironwood: ...

ozpin: now investigate shadow and his ability  

Glynda: right away 


in team acac room 

akane storm in and grab cid 

akane: what were you thinking 

cid: what 

akane: your an idiot you almost got your self killed 

cid: (i did actually get killed but I'm still alive , this game went littlie far this time but it fine no one important died  )

akane: I'm just glad your safe 

cid: ok 

akane: so what the plan 

cid: plan?

akane:  to kill the queen of grimm 

cid: well


with team ceys 

Elisabeth: i actually found some   perfect

we see Elisabeth holding a glass vile of blood but it seem to be darker then regular blood 

claire: Elisabeth 

Elisabeth: yes 

Claire: what are you doing with that 

Elisabeth: experimenting 

Claire: on 

Elisabeth: none of your business 

Claire: it is , since last time one of your experiments  could of destroyed beacon 

Elisabeth: no 

Claire: don't make me hit you 


claire: so what are you doing 

Elisabeth: I'm going to see if this thing cane give people similar power to shadow 

Claire: what

Elisabeth: I'm not repeating my self 

Claire: don't do any thing stupid 

Elisabeth: (i don't intend to )


Elisabeth knock on team acac dorm room 

akane open the door 

akane: hello 

Elisabeth: just the person i want to see

akane: !?

Elisabeth push akane over and get on top of here and drinks the blood vile  and kiss akane forcing akane to drink the blood

alexia rush over and push Elisabeth

alexia: what was that 

Elisabeth: jealous

akane get up : explain 

Elisabeth: well you'll find out soon but did you like the kiss

akane: i found quiet disgusting since it came from you 

Elisabeth: rude

akane: leave 

Elisabeth: sure but I'll visit when you get back 

akane: get back 

Elisabeth walk of   

akane closes the door 

cid: (i guess Elisabeth crushing on akane who new)

akane then walk over to cid

akane: minoru i'm sorry 

cid: ok ?(why dies she look so sad)

akane: (my first kiss was with that thing and not minoru) 


team acac are walking in to the assembly hall and stand in a line at the back and ozpin and miss goodwitch are on stage 

glynda: professor ozpin would like to share a few word with you 

ozpin: today we stand together united mistral , atlas , vacuo , vale and draconya *how only have 1 team representing them * the 5 kingdoms of remnant <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

cid:( don't need any more exposition ) 

ozpin: as 1st years you will be shadowing a professional huntsman on a mission 


cid: (and so my team is shadowing iris who going to draconya from 4 days  )

iris: is ever one ready 

alexia: yep

akane: yes

caseate: ...

cid: sure 

iris: great now we aren't actually going to the capital we'll be going to some were called the bleak valley , it's a valley filled with grimm but today were after a certain grimm called the nuckelavee 

iris: great now we aren't actually going to the capital we'll be going to some were called the bleak valley , it's a valley filled with grimm but today were after a certain grimm called the nuckelavee 

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alexia: were hunting that 

iris: no I am your watching now let go 

akane: right 

eminence in shadow x RWBY (what happens if shadow enter the world of rwby )Where stories live. Discover now