Part 10 emotional chaos

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weiss get up of the floor and and looks at cid blushing but music starts playing 

caseate: W-W-what D-did you just do with m... cid 

cid: yeah

caseate smile sweetly 

cid: (i don't like that smile)

wiess: t-that i mm d-don't i d-didn't mean 

cid just get up and fix the chair and sit back down and ruby runs up to wiess  with yang following behind

ruby: are you ok  (music?)

yang look at cid then wiess

yang: well the riches girl in beacon and the must plain boy just kissed 'so i beat she feels great '

ruby: not the tim ya-

wies storms out of the class room

ruby: wiess come back 

cid: caseate can you stop your song 

caseate just click here tough 

cid: hu fine what does this song do

caseate: distorts a person self worth (and also distorts emotions )


weiss run out  side and sits on a bench 

wiess: (what wrong with me , i can't even kill a single grimm I'm useless  , im not even capable i'm useless , what do i do , i can't be a huntress , i can't do any thing , you can't do any thing , you can't be huntress, you aren't capable  , you are useless  , yeah your right, i not suted to be a part of beacon i cna't even be a leader of a teeam )

ruby run out side and find wiess crying 

ruby: wiess?

weiss: WHAT!

ruby: i- was just worried about you 

weiss: JUST SHUT UP YOU DOLT I CAN STAND IT (what am i saying)

ruby: w-weiss?

weiss: HOW CAN SOME LIKE YOU BE A LEADER YOUR CHILDES MERONIC AND STUPIED (why am i saying this)  YOU'RE JUST A CHILD WHO DOES UNDER STAND ANY THING YOUR USLESS AS A LEADER  , I-i C-can't U-uNdErsTand H-how OZPIN could eVEN let you b-be leader (i don't get why am i so angry ) 

ruby look shock and seem like she going to cry

wiess: r-ruby i-i'm s-sorry

ruby: i-its ok *holding back here tears*  i-i d-don't  m-mind

weiss hug ruby and crys

we see cid sitting and caseate standing on a ledge looking at the two girls

cid: i bane you from using those effects

caseate: fine  

akane: what are you to doing up here

caseate turn around in shock and cid turn his head

caseate: (i couldn't sense here at all) 

cid: so you semblance let's you become invisible and conceal everything  about you 

akane: correct even killing intent 

caseate: (that means she could killed use just now)

akane: so minoru what are you doing

cid getting up 

cid: nothing just looking at the scenery 

akane: really well about those two 

cid: oh what about them 

akane: i wonder why there crying 

cid: they are i can't see that from up here 

akane: really well maybe we should do some training 

cid: no thank 

he jump down from the ledge and vanishes mind air

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