The two engineers who were working on the silencer walked out of the ship and nodded to Commander Ren before walking away.

Vora decided to kill time by checking through her kitbag to make sure it was fully stocked. She assumed the Finalizer would have more supplies if she got low. Her MTs were due shortly.

"Report to my ship once you have inducted the MTs. We leave in 1 hour." Commander Ren ordered. He stood by the entrance of the Silencer.

"Your ship, sir?" Vora could not hide her surprise.

"Yes, you've been assigned as my personal medical technician. In the unlikely event that I need medical attention, you are the primary MT with clearance both on the Finalizer and the Silencer. The journey to and from the Finalizer, therefore, will have you on my ship in case there is an incident."

"I see." Vora processed, trying to take it as a compliment but also being met with images of those who have been harmed by Commander Ren. She was quite sure he had once destroyed a Medical Droid who had been attending to him. Perhaps her role had been decided due to her luck of not being immediately killed by him compared to others who had experienced a less fortunate meet-and-greet with the Starkiller's infamous commander.
Vora sighed audibly. Her time at the First Order was about to change significantly.

Commander Ren entered his ship to begin his flight checks. The new MTs began to slowly appear. Vora greeted them and gave them their personalised team communication systems before they got on the numerous shuttles, along with the stormtroopers, that would move them to the finalizer. Vora assumed they were separated out in case there was an attack, so all the medical team (and soldiers) were not immediately lost. How hopeless and ironic that would be. The training of new MTs had been a surprise to Vora. The First Order had normally been quite dismissive of stormtrooper lives. Perhaps they were beginning to become low on them. Vora found herself smiling lightly at the thought. It was a miracle if Commander Ren hadn't mind read how much spite she had towards the First Order. When she had been in the command room being promoted, Vora had wondered if it had been a way of pacifying her bubbling rage against the First Order. Vora had walked out of the command room telling herself she would never be 'bought off' with any bribe.

Most of the shuttles left before the Silencer had.
Vora tentatively walked up the ramp and found herself lost as to where to go. She headed to the cockpit and announced her presence to Commander Ren who sat in the pilot seat.
"Commander Ren. I am aboard and need instruction for where to be for take-off."

"There is a vacant chair to my left, Officer. Sit."
Vora walked over to the seat and took in the control panel. It was a complexity she was not so familiar with.
A voice came over the intercom letting Commander Ren know he was cleared to take off. He did not hesitate to flick switches and shoot out of the hangar, causing Vora to slam back into her assigned seat.

There was a good amount of time where there was silence, save for the ship's whirring. Vora watched the stars move around them as they flew through space. She would occasionally look over to Commander Ren and watch him flick switches on the control panel, somewhat mesmerised.

"How are you feeling about your new promotion?"
Small talk? It was a question Vora had not expected from him. In fact, she hadn't expected any questions at all directed her way save a few relating to her use of the force.

"I am content. The medical team seem very good, and I am confident in them already."

"I am not the board of generals, you do not need to tell me what they want you to say."

"Oh but I do." Vora laughed. It was the first time she had laughed in front of the commander. "You killed a man for disagreeing with you and you cast me into freezing snow for irritating you. I have had to tend to many people on Starkiller who have been injured by your hand. I am hesitant to speak anything that would not please you or the other generals."

'I told you I have no intention of killing you'.
He had said in the hangar. She could at least feel a strange form of relief from the words coming from Starkiller's biggest domestic killer.

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