Chapter 17 - Solar Dragon -

Start from the beginning

Y/n shook his head, his breath changes into a completely different cycle. "Disgusting." He said. "We really have to get rid of these guys, Tanjiro!" Y/n exclaims, as Tanjiro nods.

"Sun Breathing." He whispers.

Tsugi strikes first, his blade flickering flame, as he sliced through the air with incredible speed and accuracy. The demon scrambled to dodge, but it was no use; his attacks were simply too fast, surrounding both of the demon manifestations in flames.

Tanjiro watched in amazed awe as Y/n finds his final strike, Tanjiro could see that it wasn't a single move, but a composite of several. Each one was beautifully executed, combining the movements of the Sun Breathing style with a unique, almost dragon-esque flair.

It was the first time he'd seen anything like it, and he couldn't help but feel a mixture of surprise and jealousy. How could he take a move that was supposed to be strictly taught to only a handful of warriors, and make it his own?

As Tsugi turned to face him, Tanjiro couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement. As much as Tanjiro loved his own style, he had to admit that Y/n had taken it to a whole new level. The Sun Halo Dragon Head Dance was a powerful move, but it had its limitations. Y/n's version, on the other hand, seemed to be a perfect blend of power and precision.

"That was incredible," Tanjiro said, a mixture of admiration and awe in his voice. "I can't believe how similar your technique is to mine. I thought I was the only one who could do the Dragon Head Dance."

Y/n nods, a slight smile gracing. "I developed this style based on the original principles of the Sun Breathing technique," he said, his voice low and rumbling.

"Buttt I added a few modifications of my own to make it more effective in combat. Your family calls it Sun Halo Dragon Head Dance right? That name seems messy to me."

"You were looking at the original, Tanjiro.
the Solar Dragon's Halo Dance." Y/n continues, as the flames burns both demons, yet still wasn't enough to kill them.


*rustle* *rustle*


Out of nowhere, Silvy stood next to
Y/n, breathing heavily. She had come running as fast as she could, but even with her speed, she was too late to stop the fight. Still, she was relieved to find that both Tanjiro and Y/n were still alive.

Tsugi turned to face her, his expression unreadable. "What are you doing here?" he asked, his voice low and firm.

"I came as soon as I could," Silvy replied, her voice trembling slightly. "I needed to make sure that Nezuko was okay."

Y/n raised an eyebrow. "Nezuko and her brother can take care of themself." he said, his tone slightly dismissive.

"I know that," Silvy replied, her tone growing more forceful. "But they're still just a kid. They shouldn't have to face these demons on their own. That's why I'm here."

"It's Shinobu's orders anyway.."

Y/n was silent for a moment, his eyes narrowed as he studied Silvy. Then, he nodded.
"Very well," he said, his voice a little softer. "But I still don't trust you with this. You'll need to prove yourself more."
Y/n said, as he knew what happened earlier when he was on a mission with her.

Silvy nods, a cute smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "I understand," she said. "I'll do whatever it takes to make sure that everyone's safe."

As her blade flashed through the air, Silvy saw her opportunity to strike. She moved in, her sword slashing and darting like a sunbeam. The first demon managed to parry one blow, but it was unprepared for the second, which slammed into its chest, then strucked the other demon, making it a demon skrewer.

Wasting no time, Y/n continues and revealed his advanced scabbard. Built into it, an extremely advanced mechanism. As he slightly raised his scabbard and pulled the trigger, the sword within it launched out, flying into his hand with lightning speed.

In a single, smooth motion, the figure brought his sword up in a powerful, vertical slash. The attack was so fast that it was nearly impossible to see. But when the dust settled, it was clear that the strike had been devastating. Both manifestations of Hantengu was gone. and what's left of their limbs fall onto the ground.

Silvy and Tanjiro stood in awe as they watched Y/n's upgrade in action. The two had never seen anything like it before, and the sight of the sword flying out of the scabbard and into the Y/n's hand in an instant was nothing short of incredible.

The two exchanged a look, both of them too stunned to speak as they watched the demons reform their bodies. an idea began to form in Tanjiro's mind. He knew that he couldn't defeat the demons on his own, but maybe with the help of Y/n and Silvy, they could come up with a plan.

Tanjiro looked over at Silvy, who was still standing nearby, her eyes scanning the demons for any weakness. Y/n, meanwhile, had moved closer to the winged demon, his scabbard raised, ready to strike if necessary.

"We need to find a way to stop them from healing," Tanjiro said, his voice a mix of determination and frustration. "Without that, we don't stand a chance."

Silvy nodded in agreement, her eyes narrowing as she studied the demons for any signs of weakness. "I just wish there was something we could do," she said, her voice tinged with frustration.

"These creatures are practically...-"


Another chapter dropped! not a special one but i've been pretty active now. got ideas to share, you know. You think you know what's going to end? Nah, wait for the twist :)

Welp. See you next time in..

 See you next time in

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