'Yeah, I tend to be when I shower.'

'Why didn't you say anything?!'

'Why didn't you look?' I laugh at him

'I thought it was Jungkook!'

'Well, you thought wrong. But if you want to join...' I decided to troll him because even through the steam, I could see his ears turning bright red in embarrassment. I don't see why, though. It should be me who's embarrassed, not him.

'You are one crazy woman!' He yelled as he ran out, closing the door by slamming them shut

This has been the most amusing thing I've witnessed in a while. Oh, I'm gonna annoy him about this till the end of time.

I finished up quickly and got dressed, then made my way back downstairs, finding still very blushed Jimin there. He looked at me and then looked away with the speed of light.

'What's wrong with you? Never seen a woman before?' I chuckle

'Don't even. You gave me a fucking heart attack.'

'I do have a question, though. Do you guys usually just walk in on each other like that?'

'What am I gonna see that I don't have?'

'A few inches?' I snicker

He raised a knife from the sink, pointing at me. 'I'll give you about 8 inches of steel in the throat.'

At least he's not embarrassed anymore. Now he's pissed off. And it's hilarious.

'Oooof, a death threat. That is a crime, you know? You could be prosecuted and possibly do time. Definitely a few months of community service.'

'What are you? A damn cop?' He muttered as he tossed the knife back into the sink

'A lawyer, actually. Well, I'm going to be.'

'Wait, how - how old are you?' He leaned on his palms, tilting his head a little, letting his blonde strands fall a bit to the side

'22. You?'

'Oh... I'm 20.'

'Awww, a baby.' I pout at him, teasing him a little

He grimaced in response, making the sassiest face I've ever seen. 'Don't you have somewhere to go? Anywhere but here?'

'Come on. I thought we were bonding. I even let you see me naked, and you're kicking me out.'

'First, I haven't seen a thing. Thank god. Second, you've annoyed the shit out of me, and I've been awake for all of 20 minutes.'

'This is not a way to treat your guest.' I sigh dramatically

'A guest?' He leans forwards. 'You blackmailed us into letting you stay. You're not a guest. You're a criminal. You are keeping us hostage in our own home! You're the kidnapper now! I should report you!'

I was listening to him and thinking about how he should have been a lawyer, too. He sure has enough spiciness to him for arguing, although his theory could be worked on.

'And what are you going to do about it?' I lean closer as well, smirking at him

'Maybe I should report you.' He squinted at me, leaning closer as well

'Go for it. I'll even build a case for you myself. Maybe that way you have a shot.'

'You truly are annoying.'

'And you truly have a nice ass.'

'And you- what?' He pulled back, completely thrown off of his thoughts

'You have a nice ass.' I repeat, glancing down for a moment. I only said it to confuse him, but I also meant it. Unfortunately, it was the first thing I noticed on him, and now I can't unnotice it.

'What the fuck are you on about? How did that- You know what? I don't wanna know what's going on in your head. You are seriously messed up.'

'Shouldn't you say thank you or something? I did just compliment you.'

'Okay. I'm going to shower. I hope you're gone by the time I'm back.' He walked around the counter and made a way for the stairs while I sat still, watching him walk away.

Just one squeeze... just one... I was squinting as I couldn't look away from his ass, wishing I could touch it just once. 

I guess I could be a bit less of a dick and leave. He seemed really pissed off, and as fun at it is to annoy him, he did let me stay here last night. I shouldn't be a complete ass.

I folded the blankets and the pillows on the couch where I slept, leaving them nicely stacked. I found a piece of chopped up paper and a half broken pencil on the counter and wrote a note, leaving it on top of the pillow. One last look at the still quiet house behind me, and I was out the door.


'She is mental. There must be something wrong with her.'

I was muttering to myself in the shower, sounding like an absolute lunatic. I just can't figure out that girl. Sure, we fucked up big time, but she practically forced herself into our house last night. What is up with that?! And she didn't even bat an eye on me walking in on her in the shower. She laughed it off.

Please, be gone. Please be gone. I kept thinking as I made my way back down, peeking behind the wall not to run into her.

'What the hell are you doing?' Taehyung peeked behind me, talking right into my ear. I was focusing so hard on seeing her that I didn't hear him walk behind me, and I almost dropped down.

'I'm checking if that lunatic left.' I sigh

'Damn. I actually forgot she was here, not gonna lie.' He snorted

'So did I and ended up walking on her in the shower.'

'You - wh- BWAHAHAHAH....' He died laughing, bending over to hold his stomach

'Happy you find it funny. I had a damn heart attack first thing I woke up.'

'Shouldn't you be happy?! You saw a naked girl right out the gate. I didn't really take my time to observe, but she seems good looking.'

'I'm sorry that I didn't stick around long enough to find out.' I give him a sarcastic smile

'You are so useless.'

'What was I supposed to do? Get some popcorn and watch her shower?'

'Well... join? I don't know.' He was trolling the shit out of me, trying hard to hold back his laughter

'Moron.' I just walked off, deciding not to torture myself with his trolling, and then got a slight shock when I found all the things neatly folded on the couch, along with a paper on top of it all

To my dear kidnappers,
Thank you.

I will hold up my end of the deal and you are free.

P. S. Get yourself a lock on your bathroom door.
P. P. S. You really do have a nice ass, Blondie.

'So many issues with this woman.' I mumbled and hid the note in my pocket. Last thing I need is for one of these two to find it and take it the wrong way.

'Is - is that your pillow?' Taehyung pointed to the one buried under the blanket

'How was she supposed to sleep without one?'

'But... how did you sleep? You usually need at least 2 to sleep. Why would you give her yours?'

'You two ran away so I didn't have enough time to take one of yours, did I? And it was one night. I'll live.'

It was one night... and I hated it. I can't sleep with only one pillow. I barely slept, that's why I'm so damn tired today. Apparently enough not to notice a whole ass naked woman in my shower. 

'I can feel the love.' He sighed dramatically, choosing to piss me off further

'Feel this.' I whacked him on the back of the head, making him groan in pain. 'I got more love where that came from.'

'Please love me less.'

My Little Miss Lawyer |BTS JIMIN FF|Where stories live. Discover now