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⚠️ Homophobia, mild coarse language and mild violence/mentioning of violence.


"KIM SEUNGMIN!!" a familiar voice shouted from the end of the corridor, stopping almost everyone in their tracks to pay attention to the loud-bringer.

Seungmin stopped walking and looked at the floor, shaking his head in embarrassment, before turning around to see his best friend, Han Jisung, thundercunting towards him.

Seungmin, being slightly terrified at the quokkas speed, yells at him to slow down.

"JISUNG SLOW DOWN OH MY-" the poor boy gets cut off as Jisung tackle-hugs him, making them both fall onto the ground before they start pissing themselves laughing.

"I haven't seen you in like... forever!!" Jisung exclaims, showering Seungmin with kisses all over his face.

"Ew stop!" Seungmin laughs trying to push the smaller boy off of him without hurting him. "It was only Spring break!"

They both stop and get up, embarrassed, when they see a group of three boys laughing at them and calling them names, with other students down the hall, laughing quietly to themselves, either making remarks on how cute it was, or how "gay" it was.

"What faggots" one of the three boys mumbled while snickering with his friends, though one of the three seemed to be uncomfortable when his friend said that.

Seungmin, his ears and face blushed with a soft red, was visibly embarrassed and uncomfortable, that everyone was now looking at him and Jisung. Especially the three very attractive upperclassmen that just made fun of them. Both Seungmin and Jisung wanted to disappear.

After what seemed like literally forever, someone finally broke the somewhat-awkward silence. And of course, it was Seo Chang-Bin.

"SUNGIE!!" He excitedly exclaimed, speed walking to Jisung before giving him a fat smooch on his cheek.

Seungmin rolled his eyes at the two gays standing there, hand-in-hand, smothering each other. Ever since Jisung and Chang-Bin had gotten back together, for the fifth time, Seungmin has been not only been jealous and bothered, but also completely over their bullshit together. Though Seungmin has never seen himself capable in relationships and has always known to be as aroace (aromantic and asexual), he liked the thought of being loved, although, not platonically.

Even though Seungmin was uncomfortable, he was glad that the attention was off him, however, he didn't even get to spend much time with his childhood friend before his boyfriend came over and ruined it. Chang-Bin smiled at Seungmin.

"Hey Minnie!" He said with a happy tone to his voice, arms open for a hug, only for Seungmin to just stand there. Jisung must have told him about the childhood nickname, 'Minnie' that Jisung, and Jisung only was allowed to use.

"Only Sung calls me that." Seungmin said, unimpressed with the older boys attempt to be friendly.

Seungmin has never liked Chang-bin. Not because he's dating his best friend, but because of the lying, and his priorities in that bullshit relationship. The amount of times that Jisung has come back to Seungmin, face wet from tears and heart broken over the boy who chose the gym over his boyfriend being beaten up, screamed at, abused, and so much more, has just made Seungmin loathe Chang-Bin.

"Not a fan of hugs, ey?" Chang-Bin chuckles awkwardly before playfully punching Seungmin shoulder, "You know, I've never understood why you hate me so much. You scared I'm going to steal your 'bestie'" Chang-bin joked.

Seungmin refrained himself from beating the absolute shit out of Chang-bin, out of respect from him, technically, being his Hyung. Jisung just stood there and looked at Seungmin with an apologetic expression, before mouthing the words 'sorry' to him.

You and I :: HYUNMIN / SEUNGJIN (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now