(Pickle x reader) Prehestoric

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(Very long chapter ahead!!! No part two)

One call started it all, one short call was the start of a whole new chapter in my life.

-Vvvvvvvv vvvvvvvv vvvvvvvv-

Who's calling me now?


"Hello, is this Y/n L/n speaking?"

"Yes, how can I help you."

"I'm Dr. Albert Payne, an American scientist working for the government. We have discovered a rather spectacular find and we need help. Seeing as your the best in your field of work, we need you to help us."


"What did you find?"

"I'd rather you see than I tell you. Are you able to help us?"

"Well... I guess so."

"That's great news! There will be a helicopter over to transport you and your things to Colorado. This experiment will take a while so I advise you to pack."

"O-ok? When will the chopper be here?"

"In around two days."

"OK Dr. Payne, I'll start packing."

These types of calls are a common occurrence for me. You see, I'm a high-rank scientist. I specialize in glaciology, reviving and studying organisms found in glaciers and underground salt clumps. Right now, I'm in Antarctica, observing microorganisms me and my team have found in a large glacier.

The helicopter touches down, sending snow flying up. I stand a distance back, waiting for the propellors to slow down. They finally come to a stop, revealing a large jet-black chopper and an old man, who I expect to be Dr. Payne.

Here I go... Scooping up my bags, I walk past my team, towards the helicopter.

"Good luck Dr. Y/n," One of them says as I walk past. I give her a quick smile before loading my bags under one of the chopper seats. Once I climb up I turn to my crew.

"Keep working hard everyone, when I'm back, I'm expecting a new groundbreaking discovery!" They all smile and wave as a big burly man closes the chopper doors.

"Hello, Dr. Y/n."

"Dr. Payne." I greet.

"I'm guessing you're here to give me a rundown on what im needed for?"

"Correct," He reaches down and pulls out a folder from under his seat, He stands up and sits in the seat beside me before opening up the folder and setting a couple of pictures in my lap. The pictures show a large clump of rock salt with an intact dinosaur and what looks to be a man, fighting.

Oh my god.

"Is that?" I look closely at the photo on my lap in amazement, the man seems to launching himself at a T-rex in a battle but got frozen at least, 80 million years ago.

"Yes, indeed. At first, we thought the man was being attacked by the Tyrannosaurus, but on closer inspection, we found T-rex DNA in the man's stomach."

"This is amazing... So you think we could revive them?"

"Well, the dinosaur's skin and organs have been damaged too much, but the man seems to be in perfect shape."


"Just a week ago, a couple of researchers found this large clump of rock salt in an underground cave system. A group of scientists managed to get the man and the dinosaur out and now we are just waiting for you."

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