(Koza x Alexi/Lex) Disaster

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I sit outside a small-time shop, My black and rainbow coloured hair flowing in the desert wind. Not much has been happening but ever since Koza became the leader of the rebel army we haven't been able to talk much, has always been busy stealing weapons and people from the king and his army. As I sit there munching on a piece of bread a commotion catches my eye, a group of people have surrounded the street.

Strange... I stand up and walk over to the crowd, I manage to push my way through to the front. A small gasp leaves my lips as I realize the reason for the crowd; the king and a couple of soldiers have arrived in Katorea. 

But why hear of all places? This is where the main base of the rebel army lives, the king must be mad! or dumb. Before anything else happens, I see a man run out and stand in front of the king and his soldiers, but not just any man, that's Koza! Koza starts yelling at the king, but the king doesn't even react and before I know it, I see one of the guards hold up a gun. 

No! I try to tell Koza to get out of the way but it's too late. A loud bang echoes through the streets making people around me gasp while I just stand there shaking. Koza jerks a little before falling to the ground on his back with a thump. I see a mother cover her child's eyes while another man takes a step back but the only thing I do is stare at Koza's unmoving body. I blink a couple of times snapping me out of my trance before I lunge forward onto my knees beside Koza's body. 

"Koza!" I yell out.

I don't care that the king is watching! I look into Koza's eyes, full of panic. His shot wound looks nasty, but it doesn't seem to have hit anything vital, it is bleeding through. I quickly press my hands to his bullet hole and press firmly on it making him groan in pain. No one in the crowd says anything. 

How could the king do this?  I tilt my head up at the king, his face only wearing a smirk. Two other dudes from the rebel army fall on their knees, on the other side of Koza trying to wake him up as his eyes slowly close.

"No, no, no, no," I mumble. The king and his men start stepping around us towards the crowd.

Just then, out of the blue, a large ship falls from the sky making almost everyone scatter. 

What the fuck! I watch in horror as the large ship crashes down, crushing buildings and people as it falls and scrapes across the pavement. It stops a couple of houses down from us before creaking and falling to its side, crushing another couple of houses as it does. A couple of tears fall down my face as I turn back to Koza, his lifeless body lay under my hand as I try to stop the bleeding. I look over at one of the men for help.

"Koza!" One of them yells as the other rips a bit of his shirt and ties it around Koza's wound making me pull away.

"AHHH" A blood-curdling scream makes me whip my head around only to find a couple of houses up in flames. More screams echo through the town as the houses burn. Over and over, terrifying screams that I will never be able to unhear. I see a group of people gather the little water they have and start to chuck it on some of the fire to stop it, only to get burned by the red-hot flames.

Shit! My hands remain on his bullet wound as I apply pressure to stop the bleeding. I look around for help until I catch a glimpse of something I shouldn't have. Two people, a strong man and a curvy woman stood talking to each other. They look somewhat proud of what's happening, meaning they are probably the ones to set the fires. My focus shifts back to the unconscious man underneath me. 

I have to get Koza out of here. I quickly stand up and scoot behind Koza before hooking his arms in mine, I start to drag Koza's limp body behind a not-burning building. People call out for help and for me to get more water, but my focus stays on Koza. I manage to find a safe place away from the flames and prop him up against a wall. I open my sachet and dig around for something to stop the bleeding.

Come on, where is it? I finally find a bandage. Lifting Koza's blood-soaked shirt, I start to wrap his wound tightly.

I'll have to get the bullet out later. After I finish, I stand up and start to run back to the fires.

I have to help the others. The flames have doubled its size and have spread to many houses by the time I reach them. All I hear are screams of agony and the crackling of fire as I and a couple of others try to pull burning corpses away from the flames and put them out. I reach to grab someone's hand but quickly pull back as large flames swoop closer making my hand burn and sizzle.

"AAh," I let out a loud yell as I shake my hand around to cool the burning. I step back a couple of steps to see anyone else who needs help. 

"HELP ME" A loud child's scream catches my attention making me run in the direction of the scream. As I near another burning building a little child's body surrounded by flames makes me stop and run towards it.

This is going to hurt. I quickly jump through the flames, burning my legs, arms, and torso. When I break through the flames I see a small girl around the age of 5 sitting and crying. Rushing over, I quickly scoop the little girl in my arms and run back towards the way I entered.

"Cover your face," I tell her as I get closer to the wall of flames. The little girl covers her face as I start to sprint towards the fire and jump through, again burning my body. As we exit the flames I spot a distressed mother running around shouting a child's name.

"LIERA! LIERA!" She runs frantically around looking for her child.

"MAMA!" The girl in my arms shouts after she uncovers her face. I ran over to the lady and put Liera down.

"My baby!" The mother falls to her knees and hugs Liera tightly then looks up at me.

"Thank you so much for bringing my baby back to me." She sniffs and wipes her tears with her sleeves as her child clings to her.

"It's ok ma'am," I say before a deafening siren starts to echo through Katorea.

"EVACUATE THE CITY. EVACUATE THE CITY." The people trying to put out the fire drop their buckets and flee for the edge of the city, past me. I try to push through them, back to the spot where I left Koza only to find the spot up in flames.

"NO, KOZA!" 

He's... dead... I run towards the flames crying only to be stopped by a soldier from the rebel army.

"COME ON MA'AM. WE MUST LEAVE THE CITY" He starts to pull me away, with me thrashing and crying.

"NO, HE'S STILL THERE, HE'S STILL THERE!" My attempts at getting away from the man fall short as he pulls me out of the burning city to safety.

My head hangs low as I sit on a rock, waiting for medical attention for my burns.

Why did I leave him? Kozas dead because of me... A singular tear falls down my face as I sit in silence until...

"Alexi?" A familiar voice asks making me whip my head in its direction. There Koza stands, a ripped and bloodied shirt covering his beaten body as he looks at me. 

"Koza?" My voice comes out quietly, just above a whisper. He smiles at me, holding his side where he got shot.

"I-I thought you... died..." More tears pour out of my eyes as I jump up and leap into Koza's open arms. We stay locked together, the only thing breaking the silence between us are my sobs and Koza comforting me.

"Shh, it's ok. I'm here now..." My burns start to sting as my adrenalin runs low, making me scrunch my eyes together and pull away from my childhood friend.

"What happened?! Are you ok?" His eyes widen as he takes a closer look at my burned body.

"How did this ha-" I cut him off by grabbing both sides of his face and quickly putting my lips on his. He doesn't relate for a few seconds in shock before he starts to kiss back. The pace is slow and calming, my hands placed behind his head while his sits on my hips and waist. After a few minutes, he pulls away, smiling.

"I've wanted to do that for so long..." I say as I bury my head back into his chest. 

He's safe... For now.

Word count: 1524

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