" what happened? why are you crying? did something happened? " Taehyung ask as you shook your head while putting your hands on his and grabbing his both thumbs with your palms which was stroking your face, 

" I don't want to go to the house right now Taehyung, please. I feel very alone there. I want to stay with you " you said as more tears come out from your eyes. you were directly looking in his eyes. he felt weak and heartbroken again not able to helping you. you were looking at him with hopefully eyes thinking he will help you, and that was killing him from inside. as he shook his head with sadness on his face. 

" y/n don't say that nothing will happen there is your mother, father, your brothers, nothing will happen with you trust me! you are feeling this way just because you are so drunk look at yourself you can't even stand properly. " he said trying to make you understand as he can't do anything rather than that. but you shook head as no. 

" no i won't go there, there is no one, they don't care about me. " you said and held his thumbs tightly. 

" y/n! Look, listen to me, go to your house and run fast and go to your bedroom directly then close the door, nothing will happen okay? " he was making you understand like a baby as you still shook your head. 

" there will be no you." you whine and again lean towards him. as his hurt flatter by your words and behaviour. he again wrapped his hands around comforting you, he rubs your back slowly. 

" They must be worried for you " he said while looking at the sky still rubbing your back softly as you shook your head which was resting on his chest. 

" not more than you " you said as you break your hug, he also stop rubbing your back and look at you. as you spoke again, 

" I tell them I'm at jennie's place, but I want to be with you please don't leave me. " you said as you start to close your eyes slowly but trying hard to not to sleep here. Taehyung was about to say something but stop when you said.

" I love you~ please don't leave me, I beg you... stay with me " you said as more tears come out from your eyes as you intentionally close your eyes looking at his shocked face afraid of his rejection. you completely lay on him and drift into a deep slumber leaving him in his shocked and difficult state.  

" I-i love y-you- " he was saying something with wide and shocked eyes but immediately stop when he came back to his sense and look at you to see if you heard it or not. but you were sleeping while leaning on him, as he sigh in relief. he didn't even remember when he hug you tightly, each moment today was so much shocking for him. he again look down at you, he adore you. your tiny body resting in his embrace. you were not so tiny but in front of him and for him, you were. he was still in shocked by your previous words. 

" you... r-really l-loves me? " he whispered slowly to himself now he really don't know if he should be happy or sad? but for now he let his heart play with him, he smiled... he smiled widely, his eyes sparkled with tears. an unknown tears. and the cause of this tears and emotions is this girl in his arms. sleeping peacefully near his heart after making his heart heavy with emotions. so many emotions. and responsibilities. 


after an hour Taehyung finally reach at his house with y/n in his arms. he bring her to house after fighting so much with his brain and heart, he let his heart win. besides he also don't know the address of her house nor he know the password of her phone number so there was no option left towards him, so he bring her sleeping figure with the help of taxi.

as it was so late everybody was a sleep so no one saw him with her. he sigh after putting her on the sofa. he then make his way towards the kitchen before glancing at the wall clock. it was past 11 pm still her parents didn't call her... are they even care about her?, he thought to himself. he grab a glass and get himself some water, after drinking water he take his blankets and pillow from the cupboard and start to arrange it on the floor for himself. it was his daily routine, but today was different. 

poor but pure // Taehyung ff //Where stories live. Discover now