The Super Hero with Strange Urinary Powers

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Menschy Cohen was tired, he had spent hours with the Police going over the details of the smash and grab jewelry robbery that had happened at his Jewelery store.

A mob (covered in black from head to toe and wearing black face masks) had run into his store (located in the Fairwind Shopping Plaza) and had in seconds smashed four jewelry cases and scooped up diamond bracelets, rings, and watches. The whole thing had gone down in seconds. Thank Gd nobody had been hurt in the store during the brazen crime.

The surveillance videos taken in the store had been recovered by the Police and was being analyzed by experts. Menschy had talked with his insurance company and they had been very sympathetic and promised to try and get the situation looked after in terms of compensation.

That night when Menschy (after tossing and turning) finally fell asleep he had the most vivid dream that he had ever experienced. He was visited by his late Mother, Marion who told him not to worry, things would work out okay. The fact he was safe and nobody had been hurt during the robbery was the most important thing. She then added she had news. She had arranged for Menschy to have Super Powers. It would only last a couple of days after the dream but his powers would be unique.

When he woke up in the morning, Menschy felt energized and refreshed. He thought about the dream featuring this Mom. She had always been his best friend and it was so nice to see her. He shook his head, the dream had been completely crazy. He got up as he had an urgent need to go to the bathroom and he immediately discovered that there was a thin line between dreams and reality.

Menschy stood at the toilet peeing, when he smelled a burning sensation. He casually looked down at the toilet and noticed his pee was burning a hole in the side of the bowl. It was insane. He stopped and had a huge dilemma.

Menschy had more pish to release. He ran to his bedroom, threw on underwear, jeans and a tee shirt and headed outside. He went to the corner of the yard (his neighbours couldn't see him) and continued to pee. The result was a hole made from his stream that went far down into the earth. What kind of bizarre Super Power was that? It seemed surreal and Menschy wondered if he was still dreaming. When he pinched himself he knew he was up. Was he now Super Pee Man?

After about five minutes of staring at the deep hole in the ground and wondering what he was going to use to fill it, Menschy went into his house and up to the bathroom. He stripped and got into the shower. What Super Hero had the power to burn through things with his pish? He wondered if his other bodily functions were part of his new super hero identity.

Menschy luxuriated in the shower, feeling strangely confident about his new pish power, but he was concerned about bowel movements. Would his feces be like some kind of bomb. Would it explode the toilet when it dropped. Menschy was quite concerned about all the things that could go wrong when he sat down on the throne in his bathroom.

After taking out his phone and playing backgammon while sitting and waiting on the toilet, the moment finally came. Menschy held his breath as his excrement fell into the toilet bowl, and with a sigh of relief he stood up. There had been no explosions, his bowel movement was non-lethal.

Menschy got dressed and went to work. New ''Shatter Proof'' cases were being installed and suppliers were delivering new items. He met with an Adjustor from the Insurance company who asked him a million questions. When Steven Easterly the Adjustor was done, Menschy felt like he was complicit or guilty in the robbery even though he was the victim.

Menschy met with his employees (three young women who worked for him) and discussed what happened. one of the girls informed him she was quitting. She said she was suffering from PTSD, and couldn't keep working in the store. Menschy said he understood and she left.

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