The Yellow Carnation

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"The dancing will begin shortly! Please, get into your pairs!" Hollyberry's loud voice rings out from the balcony where she, Pure Vanilla, Dark Cacao, and Golden Cheese Cookie stand together talking enthusiastically. Even Dark Cacao looks happy, which is a rare sight.

Now is the only time I can ask Espresso, otherwise I'll have no more chances. He's just come up to me after I had left the group to get a drink. I turn to face him, but he looks like he's about to walk away. Before he can, I take a quick breath in preparation. "Espresso." I start with a wavering, soft sternness that fades away quickly while I ready myself in silence.

He stands still for a moment. My heart is pounding in my chest. How can I be so nervous? I'm the brave knight commander- I've barely been nervous since my graduation from Paladin training. Finally, he turns around to face me.

"Do you, want to, um-" My words are fumbled, like my tongue is twisting and trying to stop itself from letting me continue.

Espresso stares at me expectantly. Oh, how could anyone not love those burnt umber eyes of his? I could get lost in them forever. His semi-short, dark brown hair is tied up in a neat little ponytail at the back of his head, leaving the part in front to cover one side of his face as usual, although the normal circular silver glasses he wears are replaced by a more golden-coloured pair that perfectly match the lining on his beautiful outfit.

I feel like my face is red with embarrassment, but despite my stomach flipping upside down, I push on. "Would you like to be my dance partner?"

There, I said it. It feels like the sort of thing that, once said, should relieve me from my nervousness. Although even if I expect it to, it doesn't.

There's a pause between us, tense and thoughtful. I regret asking already. I might have just thrown our partially one-sided friendship out the window in a few simple words.

Espresso inhales. "Madeleine, I don't-" He mutters slowly, looking down at the floor, almost in shame. Oh, dear, I shouldn't have asked, he's going to say no. I'm just making myself look silly. Why would I go on and do that? It's good to have confidence and all that, but he hates me. I've known for so long that he does. "I've never danced." He sighs- something I can barely hear above the noises of the other cookies around us finding partners, and chattering excitedly.

My heart drops, a deep disappointment and sadness. The likelihood that it's only an excuse is excruciatingly high. "It's alright, you don't have to." I say quietly. Really, I know he doesn't want to. Although there's not much of a reason or motivation for me to dance if not with him.

He pauses for a moment in thought, mouth open, as he almost speaks again. It feels like ages until he finally does. "I wouldn't mind if you taught me." He suggests softly.

Surprised hope flickers in my chest. Really?

Maybe he doesn't entirely hate me? But after all that happened; with the Upper City, and the credits to the magic candies..

"I would love to." I smile gently, taking his hand in mine once again, brushing aside burning doubt.

I guess it mustn't matter as much as I thought. It's happening. Against all the odds I must have had made up in my head, it's still happening.

I lead him over to the area that I assume the dance will be in, because most of the cookies here are in their partners, and the floor pattern is differently laid out, forming a large circle area. Among the crowd, I can see Capsaicin brushing himself off while holding a conversation with Prune Juice, Latte and Financier standing more off to the side gossiping, although it's mostly Latte talking.

The orchestra begins to play a short, slow-paced opening song, which is led by the piano with hints of winds, and the chatter and noise among the crowd dies down. Some cookies whisper quietly, but it remains mainly among the ones watching, not the ones participating.

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