Chapter 5; worth the pain

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-Vegas's pov-

[2am in the morning]
I was busy working on my laptop, stressed out. I should be sleeping right now.
The house was quiet until a loud high pitch scream was heard from upstairs.
Without any thoughts I ditched the table running upstairs and opening the door to the bedroom
Seeing pete in a state of panic while being asleep I approached the side of the bed beside him kneeling in front of him, his forehead laced with cold sweat and his eyes streaming tears
"Pete.. honey, honey wake up" I said in slight panic and shook him lightly
After a few shakes his eyes shot open, his breathing heavy.
"Baby what's the matter" I asked him softly as he looked at me and said nothing then lunging towards me gripping my shirt and burying his face into my chest
"Vegas.." his voice cracked as he sobbed, I rubbed his back in soft circles
"Hey hey.. What's wrong, what happened.. Take some deep breaths for me love" I said, trying to calm him

He was shaking, sobbing. It tore my heart to pieces..

With no response to what had happened I just sat there on the floor cradling him in my arms.
Whispering little words of affection into his ear.

"You're okay.."
"You're safe.."
"I'm right here.."
"I got you.."
"With me no one can hurt you"

Eventually he calmed down, and so I asked again.
"Baby, what happened?" I whispered in his ear "I was asleep.." he said, his voice still slightly shaken
"Mhm?" I hummed stroking his hair slightly
"And I had like.. Flashbacks" he said "what kind of flashbacks, love" I asked
"The 1st year we were married" he said, in almost a whisper tone.
It then hit me.

I wasn't the best to pete during our 1st year of marriage.
"I'm so sorry my pete.." I said and kissed the top of his head "come here" I said and got up, holding out my arm as he grasped onto me, I put him on the bed and laid him down.
"Give me one second to run downstairs, save my work, and then come back and get changed and I'll come back and hold you until my arms fall off, m'kay?" I said and kissed his cheek, I went to leave as he grabbed my arm and shook his head.
I looked at him and my face softened "ah come here" I said and picked him up, his legs wrapped around my waist and his arm around my neck and his face in my chest.
I walked down the stairs, saved my work and closed my laptop and then walked back upstairs and went into the bathroom and set Pete on the counter while I got changed.
I took off my shirt, and then my pants. I put my gray sweatpants on and then looked back at pete his eyes never leaving my person
"Pete.. baby.. I'm not going to leave you, I promise" I said and held his waist "okay?" I added and pecked his lips.
He pursed his lips into a pout "another one?" I asked as he nodded
I smiled and gave him another peck "okay now let's go to sleep" I said and picked him up and again took him to the bed and then laid him down and wrapped my arm around him.

-the morning-

-Pete's pov-
My phone alarm went off.
The day starts. The nightmares passed, and Vegas left for-
Vegas is in bed? I shook him lightly and he moved slightly covering his face with his hands
"Hun it's like seven in the morning.." he groaned tiredly "why aren't you at work..?" I asked
"You were in distress, why would I leave you while you're like that?" he said, sitting up and ruffling his hair, making it more messier than it was before, I laughed slightly
"Let me help you" I said, reaching my hand forward and straightening out his hair. "There, that's better," I added.

Then I remembered what time it was, I took a quick glance at the clock before getting up and getting dressed.

I came back out of the bathroom, looking more refreshed then I was a few minutes ago

"Is that my shirt?" Vegas asked, his head slightly peeking out from under the blanket
If I could take a photo I would, he looked so adorable.

"Yes it is, problem?" I smiled at him, "why do you like stealing my clothes hm?" he asked tiredly,
I just simply held my arms out to show how much bigger his shirt is compared to me, I could tell he was smiling "I see what you mean now" he said and slid more under the covers

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