20 - Backwater Planet

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—— Four months after the dream ——

"Ugh fucking work!!" You shouted hitting the broken ship of yours

The wind was howling outside as you looked up. The empire base you had taken out with a few rebels on a backwater planet was completely cleared out of soldiers after you so beautifully graced them with your presences. It's been a bit hard on you for a few months. After about two days after that strange dream you and Anakin had gotten missions. Anakin was to go with Obi-wan and take out a few places with empire bases like you.

They got nice planets and such. Plus, Anakin had Obi-wan to be at his side. Those two thankfully had also gotten a bit more close. That made your heart warm and happy. But, while he had help from Obi-wan you only got normal people. Felix being one of them. Cassandra was left behind in the main base since she has taken a big interest in becoming a full blown doctor. Felix has become one of the rebels best pilots so he had plenty of privileges.

You and Anakin had been getting closer to a lot of the rebels since they picked to start trusting you. After all the help and intelligence you've gotten for them. You've both proven your loyalty to the rebels. So besides just Felix and Cassandra you both have gotten close to them.

You hit the panel once more with your wrench. "I swear if this planet wasn't so fucking odd with its weather this wouldn't have happened!"

Felix walked into the shop after he heard you shout. "Still no luck getting the engine fixed?"

You shook your head. "I can't believe this happened"

As you groaned for a moment you sat down trying to figure away to fix it. You still hadn't lost your magical touch with machines. But the weather on this weird planet was so up and down. When you all stayed here last night while getting as much information on what little was left of the empire it apparently got so cold it froze the ship. You hadn't noticed it since the base was so acclimated to the climate. So it changed to combat the area around it. You were impressed with whoever built this base.

But that didn't help you now. After the night was over so was the cold and the heat came quickly. So it popped things out of place and a few systems stopped working or overloaded. You've been trying to fix it for over two hours.

"Don't worry Y/n" Felix reassured "you fixed super fucked up ships for the empire. You can fix this"

You smirked at Felix and he smiled back. You were thankful for Felix that was for sure. When you tried again you rubbed your forehead.

"Update the main base about what's going on. I wanna make sure they know about our situation in case anything where happening"

Felix nodded as he went for the cockpit. You kept working until late and the three others had picked to take some stuff into the now empty base. Felix was helping them as they finished up. It had grown late and you had only gotten half way. You knew Anakin would be coming back from his mission in a few days. You guys hadn't seen each other in four months. To so many it might not seem like a lot but...your love with Anakin is so different. You both were connected and that made things even stronger.

Sighing as you looked around the ship you placed your hands on the necklace he gave you awhile ago. You smiled at the memory of when he gave it to you. Just the image of his face, his smile, and the warmth of his love filled you with happiness. You knew you could get this fixed and head back and see him. You had your dyad connection. But it wasn't the same!

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