"Do you want an appetizer Flora?" Helia asks.

"Can I have a small bowl tomato soup."

"I'll have a bowl of minestrone soup."

"Coming right up. Would you like more tea or something else?"

"No thank you." He says.

"Ok. I'll be back." Linda says as she walks away.

We sit in silence holding each other hand as we look at each other. He smiles at me as he litters kisses on my hand. I blush as he turns my hand over and kisses my palm. I giggle at his loving touch. He looks up at me with a sweet private smile. The blush on my cheeks gets even redder with his midnight eyes looking at me. I just love his gorgeous eyes. It's like he is looking past every last one of my flaws to see only me. He sadly takes his lips off my hand and laces his fingers with mine.

"You are just so beautiful I can't resist showing my love for you," he says as he leans over to kiss my cheek.

"You are too sweet."

"How about we propose a toast to your beauty?" He asks as he holds his glass to me.

"And a toast to your kindness and generosity," I say to him as I click my cup of tea against his glass.

"So tell me, Flora, what do you want to do with your life?" He asks me after taking a sip of his tea.

"I want to become a botanist like my father or a healer like my mother but also at the same time I want to own my flower shop," I answer while placing my finger on my amulet.

"I think that you would make an amazing botanist."

"Ok here are your soups. Would you like to order your meals?" Linda asks as she puts our food down.

"Hm. Everything looks so good. Helia what are you getting?"

"I will be having the chicken alfredo," he gives his menu to Linda.

"That does sound delicious. Question, does your pasta have garlic in it?"

"No. Only the fettuccine." Linda says.

"Okay, then I will have mostaccioli with pasta sauce and no meat," I order as I hand her my menu.

"With both of you meals, they come with a side. Would you like a side with your meals?"

"A caesar salad," we both said while chuckling softly.

"Wow, she is a keeper your highness. Your meals are coming right up." Linda says with a light chuckle.

"I guess you really are a keeper," Helia says as he squeezes my hands.

After about five minutes of looking at each other Linda comes with our food. After we eat and talk for twenty minutes, Heila pays for our meal and takes me out to the garden. The garden was simply stunning. Roses and daisies litter the grass while the trees held the fresh fruit they use for their edible table decor. He guides me to the fountain and sits me down.

"Flora I love you. I have always dreamed of being with a beautiful woman like you. Every moment I think about you and I simply fall more in love with you each day. I wanna spend every day with you for the rest of my life. I wanna kiss ou and play with you and cry and share my joys with you. Will you do me the biggest honor in the world and be my girlfriend?" Helia says as he holds my hand tightly.

"Oh, Helia. I love you too but what about Diaspor?" I ask worriedly.

"She means nothing to me. I love you, Flora. I want to marry you, not her. I see a life with you, Flora. A beautiful life with you. With Diaspor, I don't see anything."

"We can't be together. I'm not a princess and you're a prince," I explain as I let him go and sit far away from him.

"Flora. I am ready to give up my title for you. I don't care about a stupid title."

"But Helia, I don't want you to give up everything for me. that's not right to me."

"Oh Flora comes here," he says as he gently pulls me into his lap, causing me to snuggle into his neck.

"You are everything to me. I know we only meet today but I look at your beautiful face and see my future with you in it. Please let me be with you," Helia says as he kisses my slightly damp cheeks.

"Oh Helia, I only dreamt or read about this in books. I never thought in a lifetime this would be real. And now it's starting to become real."

Helia holds my cheeks gently as he kisses me. His soft, warm lips press against mine slowly. We separate to catch our breaths, but still close enough to feel each other's warm breath against our skin. I wrap my arms around his neck as I stare lovingly at him.

"Flora, I promise that one day I will be with you. You will be treated like the queen you are. You will never be lonely ever again. Okay. That sound good?" Helia whispers in my ear.

"Yeah. I would love that." I said as I softly yawn.

"You sleepy baby. It's nearly 11:30. I'm taking you home ok." He says as he kisses my cheek and picks me up.

I giggle lightly as he carries me to his bike. He puts me on and drives me home. I slightly wake up when he parks the bike. He walks me to the front door, like a true gentleman he is.

"Goodnight my princess. I will see you tomorrow," he says with a sweet kiss on the cheek.

"Goodnight my love," I whisper softly to him as he leaves the porch.

I watch him ride off on his bike as I take my shoes off and walk quietly in the house. I quietly make my way to my room and get dress in my fluffy pink pj's. I text the girls and ask about their dates when I hear a knock on my door. I go to open it to see my aunt in her robe at the door.

"May I come in?" She asks softly.


"So how was your date with the prince?" she asked while walking into the room, shutting the door behind her.

"It was perfect. I really like him but I don't think it's going to go anywhere." I admit honestly.

"Why not?"

"He is getting married to Diaspor. The most beautiful woman on Helix. Why would he want someone like me." I explain.

"Then he will be a fool to not like you. Everything will work out with him. And I doubt that the Prince of Helix would go through all the trouble of finding you and taking you on a date if he didn't want it to go anywhere."

"Yeah that true. I mean that makes the most sense."

"Everything is going to work out my dear. Goodnight Flora," she says as kisses my forehead and leaves the room.

"Goodnight aunty." I lay down and listen to soothing music, letting it drift me off to sleep.


No pov

As both Helia and Flora sleep, they only dreamed of each other. They dream of being married and having children, making sweet love to each other, and a wonderfully bright future. But in all fairy tales, there is always a witch to stop their love. They would never be in love and live happily ever after. Not if Diaspor, the royals of the Helix, and the witches have a say in the matter.

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