Chapter 4

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Helia's pov

As Riven rushes me to the palace I try my best to have a smile when I see my "fiancé". It's been torture trying to be nice to her and fake a smile with her. The only thing that makes it better knowing that I have Flora to go back to. I can't help but think of her sweet smile, her long brown soft hair, her lovely green eyes. As Riven rushes me in the dining hall and waits for Diaspro. The second I hear the clink-clank of heels I immediately get a headache. I look at Riven for help but he just shakes his head with a small apologetic look in his eyes while he opening the door.

"Hi Hunny bunny," Diaspro says while sitting in my lap.

"Hello, Diaspro. What are you doing here?" I ask trying to look happy.

"I just wanted to check on you, baby. I need you to be a good boy before the wedding," she said in a taunting voice tapping my nose.

"You know I will darling, " I lie to her smoothly.

"Oh yeah, I'll be good when you leave my life forever." I think in my head.

"Well, I'm off to speak with mommy about the wedding decor. Then afterward there is a party on Melody by an old friend of the royal court. See you soon," she explains while typing on her phone before getting off my lap.

"When will I see you again?" I ask trying to sound interested in her.

"On the day of the Royal ball, maybe sooner. Whichever one comes first," she says over her shoulder while waving me off.

As Riven shuts the door, I pop out of my seat and follow Riven outside. We get on his bike and we head back to Flora's house.

Flora's pov

As I sit outside and wait for Helia I think about what happened. I start to think why would he pick me. I mean look at me; I'm not a supermodel, I'm not a millionaire or a princess, I'm just a normal fairy. I feel the blush rise on my cheeks, thinking about the kiss. I look to see the other specialist around the room looking about, trying to kill time. I hear my phone rings to see Layla on the screen.

"Hello," I answer.

"Where have you been? We called you over a billion times. What happened? Are you ok?" Layla screams panicked on the phone.

"I'm fine. I meet someone today."

"Who?! Is he cute? What's his name? Do you like him? Details!" Stella demands.

"It's the prince."

"The prince!" They scream in surprise.

"We're on the way now," Bloom says while hanging up.

"Wait! Sky, some of my friends are coming over. Is that okay?"

"Okay. that's fine. I got a text from Riven saying they'll be here in 10 minutes," he says while giving me a nice smile.

"I didn't think he would come back at all."

"Believe me, he is defiantly coming back. I have honestly never seen him so happy since the engagement." Brandon says.

"I'm glad I can help. Oh my goodness how rude of me! Would you like some tea, water, coffee? I can get you guys anything." I realize while standing up.

"It's fine. We don't want to impose." Sky says.

"No, really I can get anything."

"Can you get me some water please?" Timmy asks.

"Sure thing Timmy."

"Flora. Some girls are outside, should I let them in?" Nabu asks.

"Those are my friends. Can one of you let them in?" I ask while walking in the room, giving him his water.

"Thank you, Flora," Timmy said while taking a sip.

"Sky! Brandon! Timmy! Nabu!" The girls scream as they hug their boyfriends.

"What are you all doing here?" Sky says.

"We came here to find Flora," Layla says.

"So where is he?! Where is he?!" Stella screams to me.

"He should be here in five minutes."

"Where's Riven?" Musa asks curiously.

"He went with Helia to the palace."

"Speak of the devil," Brandon says while looking out the window.

I rush to the window to see Riven and Helia park in front of the house. I smile when Helia takes off his helmet. I run outside and jump into his open arms. He spins me around once then put me down. I look into his beautiful eyes as he kisses me softly. I wrap my arms around his neck and snuggled in his chest. He laughs slightly as he wraps his strong arms around my waist. I hear a cough from Stella, ruining the moment.

"Helia these are my friends: Bloom, Stella, Layla, Techna, and Musa," I introduce while pointing to them.

"It's an honor to meet you," Helia says while smiling at the girls.

"The honor is our your majesty," girls say while bowing in respect.

"Please, just call me Helia."

"So Helia, are you being good to our Flora?" Stella says while waggling her finger at him.

"Stella," I hiss at her in embarrassment.

"It's fine Flora. I treat her like a queen. She makes me so happy. I would never hurt her. If I did I would only be hurting myself," Helia says while kissing my cheek.

"He is such a sweet talker," Bloom said while Sky came up behind her and hugged her tightly by her waist.

"And a gentleman," Tenca added while walking out with Timmy.

"Why can't you be that romantic?" Musa asks glaring at Riven.

"Helia you want to take the girls to dinner. On you of course," Brandon suggest.

"Why not. Let's take them to the one in the heart of town," Helia says.

"Sound likes fun," I agree with a smile.

"Let's go then," Nabu says.

He hands me a pink helmet and tells me to hang on. I squeeze his waist tightly as he goes on full speed into town.

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