Jean smiled and adjusted her back pack strap while walking down the steps and around the corner. If this plan blows up in his face, she didn't want any part in it.

The next day at school, Jean noticed something

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The next day at school, Jean noticed something....different. Specifically the fact that the "nerds" had completely changed their style and mannerisms. Even their hair. She them and Max on the main staircase and grimaced.

Cautiously, she strutted over to the group.

"Hey....Max?" She said warily, put off by the nerds copying her "boyfriend". Part of her was really confused and concerned to make the "relationship" seem realistic. And the other part wanted to run in the opposite direction as fast as she possibly could.

"Hey babe" they cheered simultaneously, sending goosebumps up her arms. Not from flattery, but disgust.

Max whipped his head towards the nerds so fast, Jean swore he might've caught whiplash.
"What did I say about flirting with my girlfriend?!" He leaned towards the nerdy trio dominantly, striking fear in the copy cats.

"Sorry" the squeaked in unison, sending Jean apologetic and fearful looks as they did so. The girl just nodded awkwardly and hooked her arm with Max's before the boy spoke up.

"Anyway, you can't be fully Max-imized. Lionel's still got something on his shirt" Max spoke with the utmost confidence, certain that these guys couldn't just change overnight. He pointed to an imaginary stain on Lionel's shirt and waited for the boy to look down so he could pull one of his signature pranks. But, to Max and Jean's surprise, the boy just smirked and held eye contact with Max.

"Uh, looks like the training wheels have come off" Max sounded genuinely surprised and impressed. Seeing how much of his advice they took made his ego ten times bigger. As he spoke, Lionel wrapped an arm around Max's shoulder and walked him down the steps, prying Jean's hand off of him in the process.

Jean glared at the back of his head as they walked to a massage chair that was conviently placed in the middle of the main entrance.

"Now, just sit here in the chair of honor and enjoy the new prank we've been working on" Lionel offered slyly.

He even spoke like Max. The blonde thought, growing even more suspicious, uncomfortable, and annoyed.

Max smiled and sauntered over to the chair. Before he could sit, Jean rushed over and took the seat. Playing it off like she was tired and her legs hurt.

"Finders keepers, losers weepers" She smirked tauntingly. She didn't know why she felt so protective of Max all of a sudden. All she knew was that if her gut told her that something wasn't right, then something wasn't right.

𝓒𝓾𝓹𝓲𝓭'𝓼 𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓴𝓮𝓱𝓸𝓵𝓭|𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙨Where stories live. Discover now