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T̸h̸e̸ g̸i̸r̸l̸f̸r̸i̸e̸n̸d̸

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T̸h̸e̸ g̸i̸r̸l̸f̸r̸i̸e̸n̸d̸

            A̸fter Phoebe's outburst, the whole Thunderman family rushed into the living room

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A̸fter Phoebe's outburst, the whole Thunderman family rushed into the living room. Max and Jean had somehow ended up in the middle of Mr. and Mrs. Thunderman. Barb sat on the far left of Jean while Hank sat on the far right of Max. Phoebe had occupied the orange chair by the TV, while Billy and Nora stood behind the couch on either side of Max and Jean.

"So," Max draws out. "I know you're probably wondering who this is" Max stalled. Back when he and Jean were the lair he said he had a plan. That was a bold-faced lie. He had no idea what to say. So stalling seemed to be the answer.

"Before he drags this on for another hour, I'll just introduce myself, I guess," Jean spoke up. Max had been stalling so long that Jean thought there were gonna be permanent indents off all their butts on the couch. "I'm Jean Scott, I just started my junior year at Hiddenville High. And I'm Max's girlfriend." She made sure to grab Max's hand to make it seem more believable. Max had turned bright red at the revelation. The Thundermans all had the same reaction-a simultaneous "What?!" was heard as they all processed the information. Max was the most shocked out of all of them, he had no idea where she was going with her introduction, but he made no complaints.

"Uh, yeah. I was getting there" he stuttered while leaning towards her to whisper a quiet 'nice save'. Barb had taken Jean's other hand in her own and gave her a reassuring smile. "While I'm very happy for both of you, I hope you know what you're getting yourself into." She not-so-discreetly whispered the last part to Jean causing the blonde to chuckle. Then Hank shoved Max back so he could fully see the so-called 'girlfriend'. "It's lovely to meet you Jean, I hope Max doesn't scare you away," he said with a slightly accusatory tone towards Max.

Phoebe had stood up, ready to question the black-clad girl. "If you go to Hiddenville High, how come I've never seen you before?" Phoebe thought she had the girl in her hands, but of course, she patted herself on the back too early.

"Probably because I'm a junior, and because everyone knows that junior year is one of the hardest grades with all the testing and stuff. And I'm working toward getting my license" Jean spoke with gritted teeth. She'd seen how Phoebe acted around school and she never particularly liked the girl. But now, talking to her was giving her a headache.

Sensing the slight tension between his twin sister and 'girlfriend', Max grabbed Jean's hand and dragged her away from Phoebe's suspicious gaze. "Anyway, Jean's gonna be helping me with some math homework so I don't get held back. That's Barb, Hank, Billy, Nora and Phoebe." He rushed, pointing to each of the family members." Are we good? Okay goodbye." he didn't wait for a response as he dragged the blonde girl to the stairs leading to his lair.

The Thundermans were left shocked and confused. "Well, she seemed nice." Barb broke the silence. "Yeah, I guess," the other Thundermans muttered.

 "Yeah, I guess,"  the other Thundermans muttered

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Sorry this chapter is so short, I'm just trying to hurry and get to the actual episodes

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Sorry this chapter is so short, I'm just trying to hurry and get to the actual episodes. Also, I don't proofread these, so if there are any spelling mistakes please comment on them!! Thx xoxo

𝓒𝓾𝓹𝓲𝓭'𝓼 𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓴𝓮𝓱𝓸𝓵𝓭|𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙨Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt