"C'mon guys, let's go do something wrong!" Max cheered whilst leading Billy and Nora to his lair

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"C'mon guys, let's go do something wrong!" Max cheered whilst leading Billy and Nora to his lair. Billy raised his arms in the air and yelled excitedly, "Wrong!" Jean's ears perked up as she strutted through the front door.

"I'm in, my mom made me mow my neighbor's lawn because it was a 'nice thing to do'" The blonde whined, storming over to Max.

"But, that is a nice thing to do?" Phoebe replied, confused by the blonde's quotation marks around 'nice thing to do'. Even more confused she spoke up again, "And isn't your neighbor that elderly couple that just moved into the neighborhood?"

Without missing a beat, Jean snapped back, "Yeah, so? Her husband's the one with a cane. Her legs work perfectly fine!" The grungy blonde replied. She gently shoved the younger Thundermans out of the way and got ready to go down the slide.

Max and his siblings began panicking. But of course, he was faking it. The only reason he needed Billy and Nora was so they could use their powers to open his safe.

"W-Wait!" Max grabbed his 'girlfriend' by the waist and pulled her away from the secret entrance. "Uhhh, I'm spending quality time with my siblings! Yeah! Cause y'know, we don't uh, see each other a lot?" His voice had gotten higher and higher towards the end of his sentence, indicating that he was lying.

"I'm gonna raid your fridge" The blonde kissed his cheek, reluctantly, and strutted over to the kitchen. Max gently held the cheek she kissed and sighed softly before shoving Billy into the slide. He blew a kiss to the blonde before sliding into the lair.

Phoebe stomped over to the lair entrance, "You're not getting away this time, Max" She called out confidently.

Without missing a beat, Max retaliated "Sorry, can't hear you! Too busy getting my way!" Jean snorted from the kitchen, a big bowl of popcorn in front of her, as she sat on the counter. Phoebe shot her a look while Nora entered the lair.

"So, still obsessing over Dylan?" Jean taunted while gliding past the brunette and sitting on the couch, the bowl of popcorn in her lap.

Phoebe scoffed before stomping over and sitting next to her. "Ugh, I'm not obsessed with him!"

Jean snorted at her attempt to lie, "Yeah! You just so happened to stumble upon his class schedule and accidentally memorize it so you know when to take a 'bathroom break' and stare at him when he hangs out with his friends in the hallway!" She taunted in a fake cheery voice.

"God, you and Max are perfect for each other! Neither of you is ever willing to just care about somebody besides yourself for one second !" The brunette yelled, fed up with Jean's attitude.

𝓒𝓾𝓹𝓲𝓭'𝓼 𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓴𝓮𝓱𝓸𝓵𝓭|𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙨Where stories live. Discover now