Summer plans

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''Here professor, let me help. I think I might know a spell that might help'' She said in a unnaturally sweet voice. The older woman, seemingly  had no other chose but to except help from the 11 year old soon to be 12 year old girl and steeped a side. Aria pointed her wand at the four boys and the boys hair started to get shorter and stopped at its natural length. The four boys thanked her, James and Sirius doing so sheepishly. Professor Mcgonagall also thanked her before turning back to the boys.

''So, now that you four are back to normal. You need to turn everyones hair back to thier normal shade and you have detention with me for a mouth for your little prank and I will write to your parnets'' she told them. The boys sighed but did as told. Soon was everyones hair back to normal ''Um miss Potter, can I speak to you for a moment?'' the old proffesor called after her. Aria turned around and walked back to the old witch.

''Yes, ofcourse proffesor. Is something wrong?'' she asked. The older witch mouth turned up sligthly, her eyes soft and kind. A total contrast from the face she had a few moments before.

''You know, I knew it was you who did that spell on these four gentelmen. So even thoug it was impressive and really well done. I will have to give you detention as well and I will deduct 20 points from Slytherin for your stunt. That reminds me 80 points from gryffindor, 20 points each for the four of you.'' she said the last part to the marauders, who sat by the table mouths agape. One from respect of knowledge (I think we all know who), one of shook and two of terror and offence.

Aria walked back to her table and took all of her things as well as her toast on the go and she and her friends walked to class.

Her first class of the day was history of magic. The most boring class in the intier school. It was not the subject in it self that was the problem, no it was the teacher. Proffesur Binns. He was an old soul, quite litteraly, he was a goust. It was like the old man had been going thru his day and went to bed that day and feel asleep, died and his soul must of gotten up that morning and he just continued teaching like everything was normal. Some sudents even thougth that he didn't know he was dead in the first place, althoug Aria doubted this. The old proffesor had a low, drawling voice. His words had an effect on the sudents, it was not a good one either. His voice med them fall asleep. All students begin ther year by pulling out their parchment,inc and quill as if telling themselves that they would not fall asleep during this lesson that year, and it always ended the same. They would either fall asleep or giving up on listening. Not that the proffesour ever looked up from his book to notice these things. This lead to many students didn't take the class serious. Not many students actually opened their text books to  learn themselves. Aria gave up trying to concentrate on his lessons a long time ago but she always read the book later. She got ready to sleep thru the lesson when professor Binns walked into the classroom. He immediately started reading from the book in his drawling voice. Aria closed her eyes to rest them a little and after about 10 minutes had Aquilla nudged her and shoved a piece of parchment to her where she had drawn tic tac toe lines and an x in the middle. Aria glared a little and took her quill and drew a circle in the right upper corner. The two continued to play thru out the whole lesson. The day went on like usual and dinner time was upon them.  As it was soon end of the year were conversations about summer coming up as a lot of families made plans now. Narcissa and her family were going to France for the summer with the Malfoy's. Narcissa was apperently betrothed to Lucius Malfoy so they were going to spend some time together. Pandora and her family were apparently going to Norway a few weeks to see the magical animals there and study them.

"What will you be doing over the summer Aria?" Pandora asked, her blue eyes peering thru her soul. Aria swallows her food and thought about it. She had no idea if her parents had made any plans.

"I honestly don't know. I think I heard James mentioning something about Scotland? However I am not sure and I will probably not be allowed to come with them anyway." Aria answered, feeling a bit sad. It suddenly became very quiet around them. Regulus cleared his throat.

"Aria, mother and father wanted to know if you wanted to stay a few weeks at ours during the summer. They wanted you to have someone to be with and not be so locked away." Regulus said, a little embarrassed for his friend. Aria smiled at this. She was usually alone, excluding her friend from home that is, during school holidays. She nodded a little.

"Just let me make sure we aren't doing anything that I might actually be apart of" she added before looking towards her brother and his friends. He was talking animatedly to his friends and Sirius was laughing hard at whatever he was talking about. An owl landed before him and it had a letter. He read it and smiled broadly before placing an arm around Sirius's shoulder giving him the letter. He laughed a little and nodded to James. Aria sighed a little before standing up from her place and started walking towards her brother. As she walked had heads turned to see what was going on. She stopped right Before her brother. He didn't seem to notice her and so she cleared her throat. He turned around and looked annoyed at her.

"What do you want?" He asked, rather harshly. Aria just rolled her eyes and took the note from Sirius to read it. They were apparently going to Scottland and staying at some sort of resort.

"I am assuming that I am not welcome at this little trip" Aria told her brother, shoving the letter back in his hand

"You would be correct. Mom and Dad never mentioned you. They said me, your father, you and Sirius so no, you cannot come. '' James answered. Aria of course knew the answer to this question but it still hurt to have it so clearly on paper. It felt like someone shot a knife thru her heart. 

''Well, what am I supposed to do during that week?'' James just shrugged his shoulders and scoffed a little.

''I don't know and I don't really care'' James responded. Aria rolled her eyes and walked away. 

''Maybe you can stay with the Black's like you did over Christmas!'' She heard James yell after her. She just ignored him and sat back down in her seat.  

''Regulus, tell your parents that I would love to spend time with you during the summer.'' 


A/N: I am finally posting again!! sorry for the long wait. I just need to clear out somethings. First off all; I am not sure if the character Aquilla Greengrass went to Hogwarts during the Marauders time, but all I know is that she did at some point and she was the only one I could find that wasn't Astoria or Daphine. On a second note I am not sure if Pandoras maiden name was Lestrange but it was what I could find so that is what I am going with. So before you hate and jump on me for giving her the wrong last name, this fandom is really big and I have porsonally seen three diffrent ideas of her last name so I just went with the one I thought was the best. Well not the best but what I have heard the most and found the quickest. 

Anyway, I really hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

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