The attorney stirs awake, his face wet from the cat's licking. He sees the cat trying to wake him up and realizes he needs to feed her. He tries to move the pretty boy onto the bed, but the boy snuggles closer to him, unwilling to let go.

The attorney reassures the cat that he will feed her and picks up the pretty boy in his arms. He carries him to the kitchen, with the cat following closely behind. He places the boy down on a chair and gives the cat some food and water. The cat eats contentedly, while the attorney watches over her, making sure she is well-fed.

He apologizes to the cat for being late with her food and defends the pretty boy, saying that he was sleeping and couldn't feed her on time. The pretty boy, still half-asleep, mumbles, "Carry me and give her food." The attorney chuckles and picks up the boy in his arms, with the cat following closely behind, content with her full belly.

The attorney gently shook Jungkook, trying to wake him up. "Wake up jungkookie! It's noon! You've got to eat, wake up!" he said in a soft but firm voice. Jungkook groaned and snuggled deeper into the attorney's arm, clearly not wanting to get up just yet.

"Hmm let me sleep for more 5 minutes," he mumbled.

"No, Jungkook! Wake up now!" the attorney insisted, keeping the pretty boy in bed, even as he whined and complained.

"You're so cruel, Mr. Kim!" Jungkook pouted, but eventually got up and headed to the bathroom to freshen up. The attorney chuckled as he watched the pretty boy walk away.

As Jungkook got ready, the attorney went to the kitchen and washed his hands before getting started on breakfast. He cracked a couple of eggs into a pan and fried them in a little oil. In another pan, he toasted two slices of bread. Meanwhile, Jungkook came back to the kitchen, looking fresh and ready for the day.

"Oh, you're done freshening up! Sit down, breakfast is ready!" the attorney said, pouring some tea into a glass.

"Let me do the other work! You go and freshen up!" Jungkook insisted, taking the tea jug in hand and pouring the tea.

"Okay!" the attorney said, heading off to the bathroom to freshen up himself.

While he waited for the attorney to come back, Jungkook played with his cat, Milly. "Milly, papa is sorry! I was sleeping, love, that's why I couldn't give you food on time!" he apologized to the cat, who meowed in response. "My lovely kitty!" Jungkook cooed, kissing the cat on the head.

When the attorney returned, they both sat down to eat. "Let's eat, Jungkookie!" the attorney said, taking a seat.

"Sure!" Jungkook replied, already digging into his breakfast with relish.

"Sorry, Jungkookie! I can't make anything other than eggs, bread, and tea. It's not what people eat at lunchtime!" the attorney apologized.

Jungkook was quick to assure him. "No, it's fine! It's more than fine, I usually don't eat lunch anyway!"

"Jungkookie, you shouldn't skip meals!" the attorney chided him, sounding serious.

"Yeah yeah, okay!" Jungkook said with a mouthful of food.

"Don't talk while eating!" the attorney reminded him, gently but firmly.

Both of them ate their lunch in silence, while in the background, Milly the cat played with her toys, which were basically plastic ones belonging to Jungkook. "Mr. Kim, you missed your office today," the pretty boy reminded the attorney, who was having tea after finishing his meal of eggs and bread. "Yeah!" the attorney answered. "Why did you miss your work?" the pretty boy asked while sipping his tea, and the attorney replied carelessly, "I didn't want to attend the office!"

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