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3rd person pov

The warmth of the water from the shower enveloped Taehyung's body, easing the tension in his muscles and washing away the fatigue of the day. After drying off and changing into comfortable clothing, he eagerly sat down to enjoy a hearty dinner, savoring each bite of the delicious meal. As the night settled in, he retreated to his cozy bedroom, where he lay on his soft bed, surrounded by the familiar scents and sounds of his home. Taehyung's thoughts drifted to his life and he found himself lost in deep contemplation, his mind racing with memories, hopes, and fears. Despite the comfort of his surroundings, he felt a restlessness in his soul, a yearning for something more. As he lay there, he resolved to take charge of his life, to explore new horizons, and to make the most of every moment.

Taehyung's face turned bright red as he reminisced about the moment when he leaned in towards Jungkook and took a deep breath, savoring the sweet scent emanating from his neck. The memory of that intoxicating aroma lingered in his mind, making his heart race and his cheeks flush with embarrassment.

Taehyung, a young man who has never been in a serious relationship before, has dated a few girls but has never shared a kiss with any of them. Despite his lack of experience, he remains respectful towards women and treats them with kindness and consideration. During his college years, Taehyung was not interested in pursuing romantic relationships, but eventually decided to give it a try. As a result, he went on a few dates and even entered into a short-lived relationship, but ultimately found that he was not yet ready for a committed partnership to a girl but never kissed nor did he ever felt anything for them. He couldn't made him think about girls nor boys, at one point he stopped trying to find connecting and decided to go with flow of life.

According to his family and society, the attorney is aware that it is not socially acceptable for two men to be in a romantic relationship.

The person is experiencing a profound sense of confusion and inner turmoil due to his actions towards Jungkook, which are perceived as unconventional or inappropriate for two men to engage in. The individual may be grappling with complex emotions and conflicting desires that are difficult to articulate or reconcile.

Taehyung, a young man with a rebellious streak, had acted out towards Jungkook. Despite the potentially negative consequences of his actions, Taehyung did not feel regret because the tattooed guy himself reassured him that everything was okay. The assurance from the tattooed guy, which was likely a sign of mutual trust and respect, made Taehyung feel relieved that there was no animosity between them.

As the lawyer imagined himself drawing Jungkook into a tight embrace, feeling the warmth of his body against his own. With a deep inhale, Taehyung imagined the scent of Jungkook's neck filling his nostrils - a heady mixture of sweat, flowery and something uniquely Jungkook.

Taehyung imagined to marks on the milky skin of Jungkook's neck- a physical sign of their connection. He pictured himself nibbling on Jungkook's lower lip, feeling its softness between his teeth and the slight resistance as Jungkook pulled away.

Most of all, Taehyung wanted to shower Jungkook with kisses - on his lips, on his neck, on every inch of his skin. He wanted to kiss him until his lips were swollen, and Jungkook was gasping for breath. The desire was overwhelming, and Taehyung couldn't shake the image from his mind.

Taehyung is filled with impure thoughts about what he wants to do to Jungkook.

"Agh,taehyung shut your mind already stupid!" taehyung scolded himself.

Taehyung was lost in thought again as he pondered about the love between two men. He knows that his thoughts about Jungkook are impure and sinful.

Taehyung has always been aware of the fact that he never felt as attracted to anyone else as he does to Jungkook. Despite their not-so-close relationship, Taehyung has never had to resort to being overly physical or jumping on someone just to establish a connection. He finds it fascinating how he and Jungkook seem to have a natural understanding of each other that doesn't require any additional effort. They share a deep bond that goes beyond physical attraction, and Taehyung cherishes that special connection with Jungkook.

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