Chapter 5 - Confrontation

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His proximity, the firm hold on her throat, and the resolve in his expression scrambled her thoughts. She was no match for him, and the satisfied gleam in his eyes told her he knew it.

As she tried to think of a way out of this, her eyes dropped from his and landed on the scar on his upper lip. The beard covered another scar on his cheek ...

This is not the man that she knew.

"Where have you been all these years Akshara ?"

Her gaze flew back to his. " What ? " Seriously ???

A muscle clenched in his jaw. " Do you know how long I have been looking for you ? "

She was so stunned. She couldn't even answer.

She watched turbulent emotions play over his face and saw the flash of impatience before his fingers tightened around her throat.

"Answer me," he said, his words laced with menace.

Her nails dug into his wrist. He wasn't hurting her. Yet.

"Let me go Abhimanyu. You did it so easily in the past. What is the problem now ?" Smirked Akshara.

What is his problem ? He wanted to rehash old times? Screw him.

She punched him in the chest. There wasn't much power behind it, but she still expected some reaction. He didn't give her one. He just watched her with eyes that belonged to a grim reaper. She wanted to scream in his face and knee him in the balls, but it was impossible with the way he was holding her.

"You will come with me, you are clearly unwell and we need to talk anyway." he decreed.

"If you don't let me go, I swear to God I'll -"

He pushed her backward. She landed against the wall hard enough to make her grunt. Her mind went blank with shock as he plastered his rock-hard body against hers. Her puffy jacket stopped her from discovering if he still had abs, but her jeans and thermal underwear did nothing to protect her from his bottom half. He dropped his hold on her throat and slid his hand into her tangled hair. Gripping it, he forced her head to tip sideways, baring her throat to him. One thick thigh pressed between her legs, forcing them to part.

" Abhimanyu, stop !!!! "

He bit her. As her mind processed the pain, her shrill scream echoed down the hallway. She raised her hand to claw at his face, but he grabbed her wrist and yanked it down as he sucked hard enough to make her buck against him. The back of her neck was an erogenous zone he had discovered early on in their relationship. He reclaimed the spot as if they hadn't been separated for years. Her free hand twisted in his suit as her eyes closed and her body went up in flames.

"Don't," she whispered hoarsely.

He created a friction that made her hiss.

"If you hadn't disappeared into thin air, you'd still be mine."

The rage and resentment she felt for him crumbled beneath a tidal wave of lust.

She shuddered against him, alternately wanting to claw his face off while also aching to feel him inside her. He would give it to her right here, right now.

Their chemistry had been explosive right from the start.

When she went boneless, he growled in approval. She wanted him so badly, she could taste him in her mouth. 

Body and mind clashed.

 She had to stop this before she made a monumental mistake she'd regret.

"You have to stop," she whispered.

He ignored her and pressed in closer. She was losing the fight. In a last-ditch effort to hold on to a shred of her self-respect, she uttered the one thing she knew would get a reaction from him.

"Abhi, please... "

He went rigid against her and lifted his mouth from her skin. Uttering his nickname evoked memories she had buried long ago. 

That seemed like a lifetime ago ...

"I want to go home," she whispered, voice thick with tears as her emotions got the better of her.

 Weeks of stress caught up to her, leaving her depleted and fighting to keep her composure. It was all too much.

He turned the corner, shamelessly lugging her behind him. A nurse came out of a room with a chart in hand and stopped dead when she caught sight of them.

"Married squabble," Abhimanuy said with an ease that shocked her.

"We're divorced ! " Akshara retorted.

" We are not. " Abhimanyu smirked.

 To be continued ...

Yes, my Abhi is darker guys ;)



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