Chapter 4 - Part 1 : The Storm

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Akshara and Sid got meetings back to back with just a little break of 30 minutes.

Akshara felt weak and almost fainted. Sid worried about her as she became paler after each passing hour.

" Akshara, enough ! You will pass out. Have you eat ???"

" Yes I did, don't worry !"

" Akshara I can't let you work in this condition. Let's go to the hospital to make sure you are fine please."

" But we still have a meeting !!"

" Don't worry about it. I will deal with it after dropping you at the hospital, let's go !".

Sid took Akshara's bag and made sure that she was safely seated in the car.

Akshara put her head on the window with closed eyes trying not to throw up while Sid asked the driver to go to the nearest hospital.

As soon as Sid was sure that Akshara was being taken care of by the medical team, he went back to the car and joined the investors waiting for him for the next meeting.

Akshara was lying in the hospital bed, resting. Thank god it's only her iron deficiency, mixed with the tiredness due to the jet lag. The doctor said she can go when she feels ready.

It had been a long exhausting day, but it was over. That's all that mattered.

Akshara was so drained she could barely think. As she stood there, trying to figure out what to do next, the sound of a stifled sob captured her attention. Several doors down, a doctor tried to console a man who had tears running down his face. The man's helpless despair made her heart pound in her chest.

Her emotions surged, but she ruthlessly tamped them down and switched her attention to a nurse pushing an old man in a wheelchair down the corridor. She followed their progress until the nurse altered her course to avoid a large man standing in the middle of the hall. Her gaze flicked to the man, went back to the nurse, and then snapped back to him.

She was too far away to make out the man's features, but she didn't need to ...

Her sixth sense told her who he was - A ghost from the past.

Quickly she headed in the opposite direction at a fast pace until she rounded the corner. Even though her mind told her that she was overreacting, she listened to her instinct and started running.

One of the nurses called out to her, but she didn't stop. She dodged around the medical staff, raced down deserted hallways, and shoved through the double doors. She didn't stop until she came upon an unlit corridor.

As she skidded to a stop, the lights flickered on, revealing a wing under construction with plastic sheets on the ground, a scaffold, and paint buckets lined against the wall. She bent over and placed her hands on her knees as she panted. Maybe it wasn't him. The only details she could discern from that distance were a large man with dark hair.

That had been enough to make her bolt. God wouldn't be cruel enough to add him on top of everything else, would he?

" Running from me, Akshara ? " That all-too-familiar voice reverberated in her ears.

God was fucking cruel.

To be continued ...

I will try to post part 2 today !!

Let me know if you prefer short chapter or longer one ? :) 


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