Chapter 1 - Soulsisters

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Leaning towards the window, Akshara witnesses another sunrise from her house in Mumbai. Smiling from ear to ear, she decided to wake up her little troublemaker.

" Abhiiir, wake up sweetie, it's time !!"

Abhir's room was now full of light after Akshara had fully opened the window.

" Momma just 10 minutes " he said grumpily

" Come on baby, aunty Kiara and Kairi are waiting for us !!"

Akshara took Abhir in her arms and started to prepare him for the day. Her BFF Kiara was ready already and was waiting for them while cuddling with her 4 yo old daughter Kairi on the couch.

Kissing both his cheeks Akshara let Abhir comb his own hair which reminds her that her baby is not a baby anymore, and mostly he reminds her of him. Fate was cruel enough to make him a carbon copy of his father. Not only physically but also personality wise. Smiling sadly she started packing his lunch.

"Okay we are ready !! Let's go !"

Akshara and Kiara share the same house, after that faithfull day, Akshara gave up on everythings and took the first flight to Mumbai. Mumbai were the only person that can welcome her with open arms live. Kiara.

Akshu and Kiara were linked by the hips during college days, they were roommates then became as close as sisters. They have been through the same trauma growing up and that helped them grow a strong friendship.

Kiara is the only friend that she has. The sister that Arohi has never been. The older sister that she wished for... Being older than Aksu by 1 year, she graduated before her and went to London. However they growed apart... Not because of the distance but because Kiara was tired of seeing Akshu being a punching ball for her toxic family. She was tired of giving her advice and asking her to open her eyes. But you can't help someone who is not willing to let someone in and help ... Akshara was too deep in her family's emotional blackmail.

However, both of them were aware of the fact that if one of them needed the other, both would be ready to drop everything and be there for each other.

Kiara always advised Aksu to be more egoist, to put her happiness first, to set strict limits to the toxic people in her life. Which sadly Akshu didn't apply soon enough in her life...

Kiara was raised by a single mom. Her parents had a divorce when she was only 4. Growing up with a strong open minded woman, who was both her mom and dad made her the strong woman that she is today.

Akshu and Kiara had opposite personalities but they complemented each other. While Ashu is a bubbly kind girl who wanted to please everyone, Kiara was a strong opinionated girl who always put herself first. While Kiara studied law, Akhsu studied Music. No one would think that these two will share such a strong bond one day.

Flash back - 6 years ago

Heartbroken. Mourning. A Lifeless soul. Aksu's first reflex was to send a message to the only person that she had left. Kiara.

As soon as Kiara saw her message she called her, being too weak to speak and explain everything that happened, she found solace in Kiara telling her to not worry and just to take the first flight to Mumbai. That they will deal with everything together.

Not wanting to see anyone and their accusing eyes she decided to give up on everything and to go straight to the airport. She tried sleeping during the flight, but her mind just would not let her. Tears keep falling silently.

A light in the flameHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin