Chapter 2

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"We're here."

Arriving the gate where a checkpoint is held, the three young detectives observe their surroundings. People bustling about minding their own business. Officers stationed at the checkpoint patrol around to observe any suspicious behaviour. They waltz on over to the first point when a person has passed checkpoint would see. Then it began.

"Alright, our target is a young female. Her age is in the mid 20's and she came here with the intention of shopping I presumed." Tanjiro deduced


"She said she went in the morning. Fish and vegetables are brought in fresh in the morning. Not a lot of other shops are opened during this brief period of time."

"So we are heading to the marketplace then?"

"Precisely. It isn't far away from here. If she's a regular she would've took this path."

"Onward then."

Following their common sense, the three men head on over to the marketplace where merchants and shoppers could come and go as they pleased. During the morning the area would be filled with shoppers who would be grabbing almost all the first load of groceries that day where it came fresh off the source. In the afternoon however, it is business as usual with shoppers looking around to buy something.

"Then what Tanjiro?"

"If she went early in the morning, she would've gone to that shop which had the most cheapest high quality stock in the market. Probably after battling her way out, she would be exhausted hence she would pick either of the two." Tanjiro pointed at a shop. "One is that place there which was the first one you'll see when exiting the shop and the other would be that she went home already."

"So which one?" Inosuke asked

"If she'd gone home, wouldn't we not have this case?" Zenitsu gave a glare seemingly as if this is obvious

"She could encounter some unexpected figure during her journey back, we could never rule that out." Tanjiro turns around. "Hence why we must investigate. Interrogate the shop owners if they had seen anything. I'll be keeping watch."

"Almost a month had passed, surely they won't remember-"

"Don't underestimate a merchant's memories. After all they have to at least remember their regulars no?"

"I- I supposed so."

"And that's why you're not the brain in this group Inosuke." Zenitsu commented

"Huh?! Are you saying I'm an idiot?"

"That's a bit too modest don't you think? Probably the word muscle for brain would suffice."

"Hah?! Why you-"

"Inosuke, we're in the public. We mustn't attract unwanted attention. Also please knock it off Zenitsu. Push too far and you'll see darkness beyond the horizon."

"Understood, Tanjiro." Zenitsu seemingly shrugged off his advice

"You're lucky, for now." Inosuke had let out some steams from his ears

"Are you still gonna whine or, shall we crack on with it?"

"I swear-"



With a huff and a puff, Inosuke went toward the shop to begin his interrogation. Zenitsu holding in his laughter clears his throat and began his part of the investigation as well. Meanwhile Tanjiro had his eyes set upon a particular bar that is already opened for business. Fixing up his clothes and appearance, he head on over to the bar and enter the establishment.

Storm of FateOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz