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TW mentions of overdose

"Sweetheart, hey"




"Is everything okay with you?"

"He's in the ICU"

"What? Who?"

"Micke. He's having a fucking overdose"

"Shit... how are you?"

"Mom is cleaning the whole house more thoroughly than ever before, Sara doesn't even know it yet and I have no idea how I'm doing or how I should feel. I just know that I miss you."

"Shall I come?"

"I would really like to have you here, but you're busy"

"My parents will definitely manage without me. Besides, I don't do that much, so it won't be a problem to give my work to anyone. And most people will understand."

"If you think so"

"Yes, I think so. The flight from Malmö to Stockholm doesn't take that long, so I'll be with you soon"


"I would do it again for you if I had to. See you later."

"See you then"

Pov Wilhelm
"Why was leaving so urgent?" Malin looks questioningly into the car's rearview mirror. "Micke is in the hospital" I take a look out the window. We should be in Bjärstad soon. "Who's Micke again?" the undertone in her voice sounds confused. "Simon’s father" "Oh right" a short while of silence.

"Why is he there, if I may ask?" "Overdose, that's all I know." "And how are Simon and his family feeling about it?" I shrug my shoulders. "I see" she nods sympathetically. We both remain silent for the remaining few minutes. I have no idea how I could help Simon.

I also have no idea how to help him or what is going on in his head and somehow it makes me feel uncomfortable and very nervous. I just hope I'm not doing anything wrong.

"By the way, we would be here now" Malin pulls me out of my thoughts. "What? Oh" I open the door and get out. "Thank you" I smile briefly towards Malin and then go to the house.

I ring the bell and wait. A short time later I hear footsteps and the door opens. "Hey Wille" Linda hugs me briefly, she seems pretty exhausted. "How are you doing?" I ask. "Okay I guess" she goes to the dining table and puts away the dishes that are on it.

"Simon is taking a shower, but you can wait in his room" "Thanks" I do as she suggested. When I get to Simon's room, I look around.

It's much tidier than usual. Not even a little bit of dust can be seen on the chair, which usually has a large pile of clothes on it. If there's anything I've learned in the few months that Simon and I have been dating, it's that in this family, when something has happened that requires a lot of thinking, they clean up.

I collapse onto his bed and dig my phone out of my pocket to spend the next few minutes scrolling through Insta.

Pov Simon
Oh shit, now I left my shirt in the room, the day is really getting worse and worse. Hopefully Wille comes soon, otherwise I'll go crazy.

I rub my hair one last time before leaving the bathroom and going to my room as quickly as possible.

"Hi Simme" Wille is sitting on my bed leaning against the wall, grinning. "You're here" I run to the bed and fall on him.

"Shouldn't you maybe put something on first?" I shake my head. "But I don't want you to get sick. I really don't." "Well then" I snuggle up to him as tightly as I can, hoping that I'll get warmer, which works semi-well.

"You've really missed me today" he shakes his head with a laugh, puts the blanket that's lying next to us over me and kisses me lovingly on the temple.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He doesn't even have to say anything, I still know straight away what it's about. "No, not right now" "Okay" he plays with my curls. "Get some rest, okay?"  I nod.

Pov Wilhelm
"Is everything okay with you guys?" Linda stands in the door and looks at me questioningly. "I think so, yes" I say quietly so as not to wake Simon. "If he wakes up, please let me know so we can eat dinner" she says just so quietly. I nod. "I'll do it" "Good" she goes out and carefully closes the door.

"Hey" I watch with a smile as Simon slowly wakes up again. He mumbles something incomprehensible and pulls the blanket over his head. I stand up only to hear an annoyed and disappointed exhale coming from Simon. "I love you too" I tell him and go to the closet to look for a hoodie.

And there is already one. Mine, to be precise. Since I became his boyfriend, for some 'inexplicable' reason, my closet at Hillerska and the closets in the palace have black holes into which all kinds of clothing disappear. When I ask him about it, he doesn't know anything, but half of the clothes he has at home are mine. But to be fair, he looks so much better in them than me.

I turn to the bed to be surprised to see that my absolute beautiful and cute boyfriend is already sitting up, unbelievable. "Here" I put the hoodie into his hands and sit down next to him again. He puts it on and puts his head in my lap.

"How are you doing?" I look at him questioningly. "I don't know. It's difficult to pinpoint" he shrugs. "Okay" I kiss him. "If there's anything I can do, please let me know, okay?" "Sure" he's playing with my shirt. "It helps that you’re just here" he smiles. "Come on, let's go eat"

•   •   •

I'm so sorry that I haven't uploaded something for over a month, but I got like the 4th time covid and the whole thing made me so exhausted and I'm currently sick again. Also I didn't really had any ideas.

And I'm sorry that this is so short, but I wrote it last night when I, once again, couldn't sleep. I hope because of that there aren't many mistakes😂.

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