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ronit somehow langed her and she falls down

Ronit:  now Who will save you babe...

Suddenly Ronit head starts paining due to a sharp hit in his head with a rod as soon as he turned his head he saw

Ronit: Mayank!!!!!! are you here
Mayank: Well that's Good question i shouldn't be here afterall you have send the goons to beat me to death.....but actually you are a bad student you should have done your homework on me  .... who i am though
Well leaving this your bloody goons will be in the hospital for straight 2 months...because i have beaten them

Leave Samaira!!!!!

Ronit smirks:  what do thing its that easy ......

Samaira: well you bloody fool get ready for consequences
Samaira and Mayank smirked at each other and started to beat Ronit

Now Ronit is not in the condition to beat them


Meghna's pov
I should take a leave.......this ronit is jerk i shouldn't waste my time on him .......well i didn't know Mayank is that powerfull.........well i lost my chance .........i should leave....and she ran away


Here Samaira got a cut on her hand so Mayank was applying medicine on it

Mayank: You shouldn't that rough tomboy .
Samaira: o hello so should i let Ronit molest me ...
Immediately Mayank put his palm on Samaira's mouth
Mayank:  don't say this things....otherwise it will not be good for you
Samaira: what will happened if i will die
Mayank: hey don't say that ..then then i will also die

// I know cringe romance is going on but still bear it  i am bad at writing romance stuffs sorry ~author //

Samaira : hey don't ever dare to say that
Then they joined their forehead and they experienced their first kiss


Here Samaira and Mayank was going home but then they met smita (Mayank's Mom) in their way who is very angry

Smita: What you two have done
Mayank and Samaira: whatttt wee havee doneee?????😅😅😅😅

Smita: You two have beaten someone again........
I thought you two are in college now this things will be less but ...
From childhood you both have a habbit of beating someone

Smita: and Samaira Rita(Samaira's Mom)  has  called me she told she got a ticket for you.....for abroad

Samaira and Mayank together: noooo

Smita: Mayank why are you saying no
Smita in mind: So i and Rita were Wright this two have become lovebirds.....well now lets tease them .....we will not stop until they say it directly 😏😂😂

Smita: well Samaira you will stay in our home for these 2 days until your mother come ....

Here Samaira and Mayank was sharing a same piece of mind that what to do now  ....... i cannot stay without him/her

Smita: where are you both zoning out
Now tell me why you both have beaten Ronit

Samaira and Mayank told the whole story leaving their confession

Smita:  well then my son have got some brain then
Mayank: mom!!!

Smita : but we have to apologize..and then telling the truth to them 
Mayank and Samaira: yeah

But Mayank and Samaira were in some other tension iukuk 😂😂

Samaira called her mom

In call :

Rita : oh samy  we got a ticket for you and its tge day after i arrive
Samaira: whattt??
Rita : yeah and be careful with your passport this time

Call ends....

Rita in mind:  well i don't got any ticket the fact is i want you both to accept that you both love each other in front of us 

To be continued....

How is the part?
Let me know in the comments section

Till then bye bye

Stay tuned


♡Obsolete Ecstacy♡ Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon