pov: Phil and his harem after 🔞

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Phil: *groaning in pain since of 1 month having the, gulp.. gulp... Gulp.. with his harem..*

Brazil: oh dear, I'm so sorry that when I still fucked you even though you're begging me to stop and I still pushed my (name his d) dick in your small hole and you started to beg for me to stop but I did it and Belarus came to our room and began to fuck you again even though we stopped because I felt bad for you and Belarus started to suck your filipno milkies that made me mad and started to suck the other to have milkies knowing that was supposed to be for our child and I know that you will get pregnant again and I know you hate it so much but we still fucked you now your Filipino femboy nipples are plump and swollen but   after some pumping in your ass we started to suck again thinking it's a competition and..

Phil: (⁠(⁠(⁠;⁠ꏿ⁠_⁠ꏿ⁠;⁠)⁠)⁠) NOOOPE STOPPP I do not like it when you start to say the thing what you all did to my perfect Filipino curvy BODY!

Vietnam: but..

Phil: NO BUTS, my stomach hurts anyways

Japan: *squeezes Phil's  stomach*

Phil: *sensitive and starts oozing in cum*

Belgium: oops


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