facts about my AU

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Philippines is  naive and dumb in a sus way

If philippines didn't want to give china the west Philippines sea, then china will have to have "fun" and do something suszzz to phil just to punish him

Philippines is so tight that everyday everyone fucks him, he's still as tight as when you put your finger inside your shoes

Spain and mexico fights for Phil because mexico always steal Phil

Spanish empire took Phil's virginity ◉⁠‿⁠◉ or so he though hehe..

Phil is so cute but when he gets punished he turns into a very bad person, yk yk... good at sheets

Phil is very very very innocent.. at the morning.., but at night he is very very very kinky

Phil can turn anyone on

The English brothers and Slavic brothers are very jealous of the Nordics, because the Nordics always fuck phil, and Phil always visit the Nordics more than the others

Phil likes to tease his harem but when his harem teases him he is scared

Soviet and German empire sees themselves as the Russian daddy towards phil because they are powerful, but of course! Russia hates it so he stole every moment of Phil and his family

Taiwan hates his brothers so much that he takes his stress through having sex with Phil

China hates his brothers also but ALL of them AHEM Japan, South Korea, North Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam he hates the fact they are his brothers so he also takes his stress on "punishing" Phil

Phil loves his harem so much that he always say yes! To them, even if they want to have sex with him

Phil eats/drinks cum for food if he's ever bored

Phil likes getting gang banged and have a room for it

{I'm totally not writing this at 12:08PM and I'm just adding this as a spoiler in my other books ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ}

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