500 5 0

                          In live~

Phil: anyways let's prank Zeal

*Calling new Zealand*

Phil: I'm not going to phone leak him

*New Zealand picks the phone*

New Zealand: hello?

Phil: Zeal~?

*Phil trying to hold his laugh*

New Zealand: hello? Phil~?

*New Zealand copying him*

Phil:is our group presentation almost rEaDy~

New Zealand: hahaha

Phil: how many day until we present it~

New Zealand: 5 days

Phil:ok na ba~/ is it alright~

New Zealand: yes it is

*Phil trying to hold his laugh*

New Zealand: where the presentation in math?

Phil: Opo~~

*Phil dying*

New Zealand: oh that presentation, we will present it in three days

Phil: HAHAHAHA sorry I can't hold it no longer

New Zealand: what?

Phil: sorry Zeal I pranked you so byebye slay!

*Hang up the phone*

Phil: *Hears knocking on the door* IT WAS JUST A HARMLESS PRANK *closes the live*


Phil: * running*
New Zealand: chasing him*

The end

[ I did this because my friend told me to do it 😭]

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