First Meeting

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"Come on, Aurelia."

"Where are we going, Aria?"

"To meet a friend."

The five year old scrunched up her face. "But I have no friends." 

"Aren't Vulko and I your friends?"

"No, you're grown ups."

Aria chuckled at the child's logic. "Well then, maybe you'll make a friend today."

The two dove into the water and Aurelia followed Aria deep, deep, deep down. Her eyes quickly adjusted to the dimness. Up ahead, she could see two figures. One was Vulko, and the other was an unfamiliar person.

As they got closer, she saw they were a young boy. He was dressed in one of those suits like Vulko and Aria always wore, his dark purple. 

"Aurelia, this is Prince Orm," Aria introduced. "He's a few years older than you."

Only a few years older? He must be tall for his age, like how she was small for hers. He stood tall and stiffly, his long blond hair flowing behind him. 

"Orm?" Aurelia repeated.  "Like Storm but without the 'S'?"

He gave her a shy smile and floated forward.  "Hello Aurelia. It is so nice to finally meet you." Then he reached out and held out his hand towards her.  "May I?"


He chuckled at her confused expression.  "May I see your hand?"

"I guess..." She reached out and he took her hand, pressing a kiss to the back of it. She snorted with laughter and  sized him up.  "So you're Prince of Atlantis?"

"Yes, I am."

"Do you know my mom?"

At this, Vulko and Aria exchanged a glance.

"I haven't met her, I'm sorry." Now she looked deflated, so he quickly changed the subject. "I hear you are a very good swimmer."

This worked and she perked up. "Yeah, I am. Race you!" And with that she sped off, leaving a trail of bubbles in her wake. 

"Hey, that's not fair!" He sped off after her, leaving a pleased Vulko and Aria behind. 

"I'm going to catch you!" he called, voice echoing throughout the water.

"I don't  think so!" she taunted back. 

"Yes I am!"

"No you're not!" She poked out her tongue and swam harder. 

At the end of the meeting, once they had returned to the adults, both children were laughing and smiling.

"Can I visit Orm again?" Aurelia asked as she and Aria swam back to the surface.

"Of course you can."



"How soon?"

Aria chuckled. Maybe this arrangement would work out better than they had ever even imagined. 


"Aurelia, where'd you go?" Orm called out into the depths.

They had been racing again and Aurelia had gotten ahead - again - and now she had disappeared.



Aurelia chortled at Orm's shriek when she pooped out from behind some kelp. "Ha, I got you!" she laughed.

"Yes, you did."

 "Maybe one time you can bring your other friends to play," she suggested. 

His smile fell. "I would, but I don't have very many friends... There's Mera, but we don't see each other very often because she lives in another kingdom."

"I don't have very many friends either," she admitted.  "I don't have any, actually. Well, not people ones anyway."

"What do you mean?"

"I have lots of animal friends. Can I tell you something?"


"I talk to fish!"

"What? How?"

She shrugged. "Don't know, I've just always been able to."

He didn't look convinced.  "Are you sure? I've never heard of that before."

"Of course I'm sure! I'll even prove it!" She swam over to where a pod of manta rays was passing by. She held up her hand, closed her eyes, and focused. 

A baby ray broke away from the rest of the group and swam over, responding to her call.

Orm's eyes were wide.  "Wow, that's amazing! You're amazing!"

She grinned proudly. "Thanks!" Then, "I'm glad we're friends, Orm."

"Me too, Aurelia."  

(Thanks so much and I hope you enjoyed! :))

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