𝐑𝐔𝐃𝐄 ✧˖*°࿐

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"Oh, you must be our new hire. Come inside and don't be afraid to ask questions, we don't bite."

      'How sure are you of that..' Y/N thinks to herself. She nods before Veneer ushers her into the room, Crimp following close behind. Y/N looks around the room once she's inside. The room is very chic, it was white with gold accents, it had mirrors and a beautiful white sofa. Suddenly someone on the other side of the room catches Y/N's eye. The 'someone' had long green hair and looked similar to Veneer. This must be Velvet, the other pop star she'd be working for. She was sitting in front of another mirror, touching up her makeup.

      "Sis," Veneer, starts, catching her attention. She looks at him through the mirror before spinning her chair around to face him, "This is Y/N, Our new assistant."

      "Oh! Y/N!" Velvet says with a slight smile that doesn't seem completely authentic. She stands up and strides over to the group. Y/N immediately extends her hand for a handshake.

      "Hello, Miss Velvet, it's a pleasure to meet you." She says with an awkward smile. Velvet shakes her hand and nods.

      "It's a pleasure to be met." She retracts her hand after a second and wipes it on her clothes, an action that doesn't go unnoticed by Y/N. She raises an eyebrow and opens her mouth to say something but is interrupted when Veneer grabs her shoulders and leads her to a closet.

      "We're going to need you to get our clothes ready while Crimp goes out to make sure everything is perfect for our concert tonight. Okay? Okay." Veneer explains. He then walks away and sits down next to his sister to discuss random things. Y/N stands there for a second before letting out a quiet 'huh.' She opens the closet door and stares at the clothing, there, on the hangers, were the same clothes that the 2 siblings were wearing right now. Y/N stares at the clothing in confusion before she's snapped out of her trance.

      "Y/N." Velvet calls out. Y/N turns to face her, only to be met with both of her 'bosses' staring at her. She stiffens and stares back, hoping she didn't do anything to get in trouble.

      "Um...Yes?" She smiles awkwardly.

      "We need those clothes A.S.A.P, we aren't paying you to just stand there. Chop chop." Velvet says with a roll of her eyes, setting down her makeup brush.

      "Well, I was about to get your stuff ready when I saw that you are already wearing the same thing," Y/N explains, choosing to ignore Velvet's rude attitude, "I don't understand why you need me to-"

      "You don't have to understand anything other than 'get our clothes ready.' So why don't you quit asking questions and get us our stuff?" Velvet raises her voice but Veneer is quick to nudge her slightly before whispering something in her ear. Velvet takes a deep breath and puts on a fake smile. "Please," she begins, "Please just get our stuff ready."

      "Kay..." Y/N mumbles, picking out one of the duplicates. 'What a jerk!' She thinks to herself. She turns only to be met with Veneer standing in front of her, "Can I help you..?" She asks.

      "I just wanted to apologize for my sister's rude behavior, I promise she means well. The reason we want to wear those instead of these," He motions to the clothing in Y/N's hands, then to the ones he is wearing, "is because those shine better when we're under the stage lights." He smiles and does jazz hands when he mentions the shining bit, "You'll have to polish the chest pieces and iron the bottom halves."

      Y/N glances down at the clothes before she nods and walks over to a table where she can do what she was asked to. As she's doing her work, she notices that Crimp has left already. She lets out a sigh. It would have been nice to have someone to talk to while she works. She sits there in silence as she does what she was asked to do. It was quite boring actually. She looks over at the siblings to catch a glimpse of what they're doing. Veneer and his sister were giggling as they talked about who knows what, Veneer was helping Velvet apply blush as they spoke. Y/N turns back to continue what she was doing, she closes her eyes and hums softly to an old tune she used to sing as she begins to polish the chest pieces, it was quiet enough for Velvet and Veneer to not be able to hear. After a couple of minutes, she moves on to ironing Velvet's skirt, then eventually ironing Veneer's shorts. She takes in a deep breath and smiles as she finishes up. She stands, clothing in hand as she walks over to Velvet and Veneer.

      "I've finished ironing and polishing your clothes," Velvet and Veneer take their stuff from her as she speaks, "Is there anything else I can help with?"

      "Yes. While Veneer and I change, go outside and get a broom and dustpan. It's filthy in here." Velvet says with a roll of her eyes and a shake of her head. She takes Veneer's clothes out of his hands and sets them on the sofa. Y/N looks down at the floors. She stares down in confusion, the floor was almost sparkling with how clean it was.

      "I think it looks very clean actually," Y/N says, waving her hand at the floor, able to make out her reflection.

      "Yeah, well Crimp cleaned the floor, and Crimp never does anything right." Velvet scoffs, crossing her arms and shaking her head. Veneer nods in agreement, placing a hand on his hip.

      "Kay.." Y/N puts on a fake smile before leaving the room. She shakes her head and leans against the door for a moment. 'spoiled brats..' She thinks. Her eyes scan the area for a broom. She stands up properly and begins walking down the hall. She looks side to side, there must be a janitor's closet here somewhere. After a minute of searching, she crashes into someone.

      "Oh, my fault!" She says quickly, backing up, "Geez what is up with me today.." She mumbles. She looks up to see a tall girl wearing glasses, her orange hair is up in a ponytail, she has shiny white skin, and is holding a clipboard.

      "Oh, it's alright, dear!" The lady says sweetly, she leans down ever so slightly, and adjusts her glasses, showing off her brown eyes properly, "I don't think I've seen you around here before."

      "My name is Y/N, I'm Velvet and Veneer's new assistant! It's my first day here." Y/N stands up straight, explaining herself.

      "Oh! That makes sense. I'm Sally by the way," Sally extends her arm to shake Y/N's hand. Y/N smiles and accepts the offer, "I was actually on my way to their dressing room right now. They're on in 6 minutes."

      "Wow! Okay, I'll let them know right away!" Y/N quickly turns around but freezes, remembering why she had left in the first place, "You wouldn't happen to know where the janitor's closet is, right?" She asks Sally, chuckling.

      "Second door to your left." Sally smiles warmly. Suddenly she turns around and walks away, the clicking of her heels being the only sound in the hallway. Y/N stands there for a moment before face-palming.

      "I passed it??" She shakes her head and hurries back. She swiftly opens the door and drags out the broom, dustpan attactched. After a few seconds, she finds herself in front of Velvet and Veneer's door, gasping for breath, she had run back. She takes a moment to compose herself before knocking on the door.

      "Come in!" Veneer calls out from inside. Y/N quickly twists the doorknob and enters, broom in hand.

"You guys are on in 6 minutes!"


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