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"So, what makes you qualified for this job?"

      Y/N stares down at the little orange creature named Crimp as she stands on the desk in front of Y/N, still having to look up at her because of her small stature. This was the last question of the interview so she thought her answer through for a moment.

      "Well, as someone who used to perform in concerts similar to how Miss Velvet and Mister Veneer do, I think I would be able to understand their needs, as I myself needed similar things in the past!" Y/N informed.

      "Interesting, interesting..." Crimp mumbles as she scribbles something down on a clipboard. Y/N fidgets with her thumbs nervously, she really needed this job. "Can I ask more about your concerts?" Crimp continues, "How come I've never heard of you before?"

      "Well I'm from Pripari, which is pretty far from here so i'm not surprised that-"

"Oh! Oui Oui!"


"Oh." Crimp pauses, "Sorry, was that-"

      "No no, it's okay!" Y/N says nervously, not wanting to lose her chance at this job. 'Oui Oui' she mocks in her head before she realizes, "Oh wait, so do you know about Pripari then?"

      "I do! I did my fair share of research on it back in the day." Crimp smiles proudly as she jots something down again.

      "Huh. That's actually cool. I haven't met anyone that knows anything about PriPari, or Pripara in general." Y/N mentions, intrigued.

      "Oh well I'm definitely not an expert on it, but I do know some things! I'm assuming you're an idol?"

      "I was. I'm not one at the moment, which is why I really need this job." Y/N chuckles, embarrassed.

      "Can I ask why that is?" Crimp asks. Y/N avoids eye contact, shaking her head slightly. "Alrighty then! Again, so sorry about that thing earlier! So, um, I like your odds, Y/N! I'm gonna run this information by Velvet and Veneer and will contact you if any good news comes your way!" Crimp nods before hopping off of the desk she had been standing on. She leads Y/N out, and like that, the interview is over.


      Y/N slumps onto the couch of her apartment building, awaiting any news about the assistant job. It's been 1 day and there have been any updates. She sighs before she reaches for her phone and scrolls through it. Seconds turn into minutes and minutes turn into hours as she does nothing but scroll through the media.


Y/N jumps as a sudden message floods her screen.

      Reminder: rent due next week

Next week. Her rent for the apartment is due next week and she has no job. How is she going to round up the right amount of money so soon? Y/N stares at the reminder for a while in silence.

      RING RING!

Her phone began buzzing as the words [ Unknown caller ] covered her rent reminder. She quickly sits up and answers, clearing her throat.

      "Hello this is Y/N speaking." She smiles, was this the assistant job update she was waiting for?

"Hello, Y/N. This is Crimp from the job interview you attended. I'm glad to inform you that you got the job! I know that this is short notice but could you come in as soon as possible? I'm going to need some help with getting everything ready for Velvet and Veneer's show tonight." Crimp says from the other line. Y/N exhales a breath of relief before she nods as if Crimp could see her.

      "Oh of course! I'll be there in 20 minutes!" She quickly hops off of the couch as she speaks and rushes to grab the keys for her car.

      "Perfect! Thank you so much, Y/N. See you soon!" Crimp responds soon before she hangs up. Y/N rushes over to a mirror to check her appearance and fixes her hair until she's satisfied. With a huff she speeds to the door and makes her way to her brand new job.


      "Okay Y/N! This is your first job as an assistant...don't act up, respect your bosses, and most importantly get that check for next week's rent payment!" Y/N mumbles to herself a she nears the building where Velvet and Veneer should be getting ready for their show. "No problem, you got this. No problem, you got this.." She repeats under her breath as she approaches the entrance. She reaches out to open the door only to be met with a hard hit in the face. Y/N stumbles back and covers her nose with her hand because it was hit the hardest. The door has been swung open by someone and hit her right in the face.

     "Oh my goodness I am so so so sorry!!" Someone says as they walk out, dropping what they had been holding. It was Crimp throwing out some trash.

      "It's okay, I'm okay." Y/N says shakily, lifting her hand to give Crimp a sad excuse of a thumbs up.

      "Oh you're here!" Crimp says delightfully. She makes her way over to the garbage can and finishes what she had been doing. "Follow me! I'll introduce you to Velvet and Veneer." Crimp starts to waddle inside, it takes a little bit though. Y/N thinks for a moment before scooping her up and placing her on her shoulder.

      "Just tell me where to go." Y/N smiles, still walking. Crimp pauses for a moment to regain herself. She smiles and nods.

      "You're gonna want to take a left here, then keep going straight until the third door to your right." Crimp directs Y/N, adjusting her glasses.

      "Sure thing."

A few seconds pass until the duo makes it to the door. Y/N sets Crimp down and takes a deep breath. She reaches for the doorknob but retracts her hand as she sees it turning from the other side. She looks up as the door opens to reveal one of the green haired pop stars she'd be working for. He's wearing a gold top with matching gold shorts. He looks down at Crimp before looking at Y/N. He smiles at her before speaking.

   "Oh, you must be our new hire. Come inside and don't be afraid to ask questions, we don't bite."


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