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Ned is lying in bed and dazedly awakes after having been unconscious, seeing Robert, Aldo, and Cersei standing at the foot of his bed.

Ned: Your pardon, your Grace. I would rise, but -

He tries to rise, but is clearly struggling to do so.

Cersei: Do you know what your wife has done?

Ned: She did nothing I did not command.

Robert: [slightly impressed] Who'd have thought she had it in her?

Cersei: [harshly] By what right dare you lay hands on my blood?

Ned: I am the King's Hand -

Cersei: You were the King's Hand - !

Aldo: Oh shut up, woman!

Cersei: How dare you---

Robert(impressed): Mhmm. Catelyn will release Tyrion, and you'll make your peace with Jaime.

Aldo: He butchered my men!

Cersei smirks

Cersei: Lord Stark and Ser Aldo was returning drunk from a brothel when their men attacked Jaime.

Robert: [to Cersei] Quiet, woman!

Ned: Jaime has fled the city. Give me leave to bring him back to justice.

Cersei: [angry] I took you for a king!

Robert: [threateningly] Hold your tongue....

Cersei: He's attacked my brother and abducted the other. I should wear the armor, and you the gown.

Robert turns to Cersei and hits her in the face hard. Ned looks shocked. Aldo clenches his jaw. Cersei looks up, and the strike has left a large bruise on her cheek. She glares at Robert defiantly.

Cersei: I shall wear this like a badge of honor.

Robert: Wear it in silence or I'll honor you again.

She angrily glares from them, then promptly leaves the room, slamming the door shut behind her.

Robert: [sarcastic] See what she does to me? My loving wife....

He pours himself a glass of wine and sighs, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

Robert: [ashamed] I should not have hit her. That was not...that was not kingly.

Ned: If we don't act....there will be a war.

Robert: So tell your wife to return that little shit of an Imp to King's Landing. She's had her fun, now put an end to it. You hear me? Send a raven and put an end to it.

Aldo: And what about Jaime Lannister?

Robert thinks for a moment and does not respond.

Aldo: What about Jaime?

Robert: I'm half a kingdom in debt to his bloody father. I don't know what happened between you and those yellow-haired shits; I don't want to know. This is what matters - I can't rule the kingdoms if the Starks and the Lannisters are at each other's throats, so enough!

He takes a drink. Ned and Aldo sighs, clearly unhappy, but accepts it.

Ned: As you command your Grace. With your leave, we will return to Winterfell and set matters straight.

Robert: Piss on that! Send a raven. I want you to stay. I'm the king, I get what I want.

He takes another drink and sighs again.

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