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Robb, Korb, Blane, Redmond, and Luwin are sitting at the high table while Tyrion and Yoren are standing in front of them.

Tyrion: I must say, I received a slightly warmer welcome on my last visit.

Robb: [to YOREN] Any man of the Night's Watch is welcome at Winterfell.

Yoren nods to him.

Tyrion: Any man of the Night's Watch, but not I, eh, boy?

Blane: Watch your mouth when talking to my cousin, Imp!

Tyrion: And what I done to ruffle your feathers?

Robb looks at Blane.

Robb: Blane, stay calm.

Blane looks embarrased before glancing back at Tyrion hatefully.

Robb: I'm not your boy, Lannister. I'm Lord of Winterfell while my father is away.

Tyrion: Then you might learn a lord's courtesy.

Korb: Yeah the only Lannister we like is Ashter.

Korb rolls his eyes. Hodor enters the great hall carrying Bran, followed by Theon

Tyrion: So it's true. Hello Bran. Do you remember anything about what happened?

Redmon: He has no memory of that day.

Tyrion: Curious...

Robb: Why are you here?

Tyrion: [to BRAN] Would your charming companion be so kind as to kneel? My neck is beginning to hurt.

Bran: Kneel, Hodor.

Hodor kneels.

Tyrion: Do you like to ride, Bran?

Bran: Yes. Well, I mean I did like to.

Luwin: The boy has lost the use of his legs.

Tyrion: What of it? With the right horse and saddle, even a cripple can ride.

Bran: I'm not a cripple.

Tyrion: [sarcastic] Then I'm not a dwarf! My father will rejoice to hear it. I have a gift for you.

He hands him a scroll containing a new saddle concept.

Tyrion: Give that to your saddler. He'll provide the rest.

Bran unfurls the scroll and starts to read.

Tyrion: You must shape the horse to the rider. Start with a yearling and teach it to respond to the reins and to the boy's voice.

Bran: Will I really be able to ride?

Tyrion: You will. On horseback you will be as tall as any of them.

Robb: Is this some kind of trick? Why do you want to help him?

Tyrion: I have a tender spot in my heart for cripples, bastards and broken things.

Bran smiles at Tyrion after he finishes looking over the plans.

Robb: You've done my brother a kindness. The hospitality of Winterfell is yours.

Tyrion: Spare me your false courtesies, Lord Stark. There's a brothel outside your walls. There I'll find a bed and both of us can sleep easier.

Blane and Korb chuckles.


Jon is sparring with Grenn in the courtyard. Pyp and Rast are all watching.

Jon: Leg, shoulder, leg. Left foot forward. Good. Now pivot as you deliver the stroke. Put all your weight behind it.

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