Chapter 14

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In Lireo


Everyone is gathering at the main hall.. Amihan then look at Lireo's soldiers and say.. 'Alright Lirean! Listen up! I know Vegas and Porsche's death give us a big impact... Not only that..but..its also give us a deep pain.. So.. I already made a decision! We will have a final battle with Etheria tonight! We aren't only fight for Lireo.. But we will avenge Vegas and Porsche's death!! 'Cassieopeia then see a sign from the fairies and say..' Our enemies already here! Get ready everyone!! 'Suddenly.. a light appear.. Amihan then yell..' Get ready!!' Everyone is pointing their weapons towards the light.. Hitano feel shock as he see Vegas and Porsche return to Lireo with white outfits.. Hitano then run towards Porsche and hug him tight.. Porsche rub Hitano's back body gently and look at everyone and say.. 'Lord Emre sent us to Lireo so that Vegas and I can join the battle.. Amihan smile at Vegas and Porsche then say..' We need to get ready! '

A loud explosion come from the outside of Lireo.. Amihan then yell..' For Lireo! Alena then yell.. 'For Adamya! Pirena and Mira then yell together..' For Hathoria! Danya also yell.. 'For Sapiro!' Vegas, Porsche and the rest of Lireo's soldiers then yell as well.. 'For Encantadia!! Attack!!!' Everyone run out from the Palace and start to strike each other.. Vegas then use his fire gem and strike those Etherian Hadezar while Porsche fight them with his sword and air gem.. Andorra is about to attack Porsche but got stop by Amihan and Danaya.. Amihan and Danaya kill Andorra by combine their gemstones.. Porsche then yell.. 'Surround me!!' Hitano, Muros, Aquil and a few Lireo's soldiers surround Porsche.. Porsche take out his air gem and strike those hadezar..

On the other side..

Mira, Pirena and Alena strike Avria with their powers.. Avria also use her power to strike them but fail as Vegas strike Avria with his fire gem... Avria then fall on the ground and die.. Porsche then look at Kim and say.. 'Say goodbye to yourself Kim!' Porsche recite a spell until his sword is light up and stab Kim's chest.. Kim then turn into ash.. Hitano hold Porsche's hand and fight together.. While Muros and Aquil also manage to kill a few hadezars..Danaya then say.. 'I will finish this!!' Danaya then use her earth gemstone and make an earth quake.. The ground suddenly shaking.. Hitano then pull Porsche to the other side and yell.. 'Be careful everyone!!' Asval then attack Hitano and Porsche but both of them manage to avoid.. Porsche throw his sword towards Asval's chest.. Asval then under the earth quake.. Porsche summon his sword and catch it.. A lot of Hadezar already fall down.. Hitano continue to fight with the other Hadezars.. Porsche then use his air gem again and strike them.. Vegas use his last strike and strike the remaining Hadezars.. Amihan look around and noticed there's no more Etherian hadezars and yell.. 'We won!!!Long Live Lireo!! Long Live Encantadia!!!' All Lireo's soldiers cheers as well.. Vegas run towards Porsche and hug Porsche tight and kiss Porsche's lips softly.. Porsche return the kiss and hug Vegas tight..

Amihan then walk towards Porsche and give him a tight hug.. Pirena, Alena, Danaya and Mira along with Cassieopeia also hugs together.. Cassieopeia then hug Vegas and Porsche and say.. ' We did it!' Vegas and Porsche nod and look at everyone and smile.. Suddenly.. Queen Minea and Lord Emre appear around them.. All of them including Vegas and Porsche kneel down in front of Emre and Minea..Minea then speak up.. 'Please stand up everyone!' All of them stand up and look at Minea and Emre.. Amihan smile at her mother and say.. 'I really miss you so much Mother..' Pirena, Alena and Danaya also smile at Minea.. Minea then noticed Amihan's face expression change all of a sudden and ask.. 'Amihan.. Anak.. What's wrong hmm?' Pirena, Danaya and Alena along with Mira feel sad as well.. Alena then reply back.. 'We feel sad because it's time to say a goodbye to Vegas and Porsche.. They will return to Devas again..' Emre smile at them and reply back.. 'I have something to say about Vegas and Porsche..' Hitano then ask.. 'What is it Lord Emre?' Emre then say.. 'As a reward for Vegas and Porsche victory.. Minea, Hitano, Vegas and Porsche are allow to live as a human again.. For Vegas and Porsche.. You both can live together in human world along with the gemstones..keep those spirit gemstones with you.. And.. You both can come here whenever you want to.. 'Everyone feel happy and look at Vegas and Porsche.. Vegas and Porsche then kneel down in front of Lord Emre and say..' Thank you for your benevolent Lord Emre.. We truly appreciate it.. 'Emre then help Vegas and Porsche to stand up.. Amihan quickly hug Porsche and say..' Porsche... Please stay here with us.. Lireo always open for you both.. 'Danaya then reply back..' Its true Porsche.. We want you both to stay here with us.. 'Pirena look at Vegas and Porsche then say..' If leaving is your decision.. I will accept it with an open heart.. Im gonna miss you both very much.. 'Pirena and Alena hug Vegas and Porsche.. Porsche smile and say..' Thank you so much for everything that you've done to me and Vegas.. There's no way we can repay you.. For now.. I want to focus about my life with Vegas.. I hope everyone will be save here.. Without any harm from enemies'..Minea smile and reply back.. 'Even Im a mother for these sanggres.. I already considered you and Vegas as another son to me.. Please take care of your self.. Don't forget about us..' Vegas and Porsche bow and hug Minea.. Minea then return the hugs.. Amihan wipe her tears and cry again.. Danaya comfort Amihan and hug her.. Mira then say..' Have a safe journey 'Porsche hug Mira and say..' To Mira and Sanggre Alena.. thank you for brought me and Vegas to Lireo.. Thank you for everything.. 'Alena then hug Vegas and Porsche and reply back..'Come here whenever you want.. We will waiting for you both' Porsche nod and smile at Alena.. Vegas then say.. 'Sweetheart.. You should go and talk to Hitano.. I will wait here..' Porsche then walk towards Hitano and hold his hand and walk away from there..

Hitano then hug Porsche from behind and say.. 'I really need you to stay here sweetheart.. Please don't leave me..' Porsche turn around and hug Hitano's neck and say.. 'Hitano.. As you know.. I have a mother and a friends who are waiting for me and Vegas in human world.. I didn't belong in Lireo.. And so does Vegas.. We must return to where we belong Hitano.. Our mission is already completed.. Like Lord Emre said..Vegas and I still can come over to Lireo for visit.. Trust me, Hitano.. Vegas and I will pay a visit.. But.. as for now.. I want to focus on my life.. With Vegas.. 'Porsche touch Hitano's chest and say..' Im always in your heart.. I won't gone from there.. We can see each other again Hitano.. Either you come to my world or I will come to your world.. And I promise.. I will never forget about you sweetheart.. You are very nice person.. You also mean a lot to me.. I love you Hitano.. 'Porsche kiss Hitano's lips deeply and hug him tight.. Porsche' s tears fall out from his eyes.. Hitano then rub Porsche's back body and say.. 'I love you even more sweetheart.. We will see each other again..' Porsche nod between the hug and let go of Hitano.. Hitano then kiss Porsche's forehead and lips softly.. Porsche then return to Vegas and look at everyone and say.. 'Vegas and I need to go now.. Please be safe and until we meet again.. Farewell and long live Lireo!' Vegas and Porsche bow and dissappear.. Minea then see her daughters are crying again especially Amihan.. Minea hug Amihan and say.. 'Its ok Amihan.. Its Porsche's decision.. We need to accept it..' Amihan cry in Minea's embrace and say.. 'I will wait for him to come back here..' Muros pat Hitano's shoulder and say.. 'Welcome back my friend..' Aquil hug Hitano and say.. 'Trust me Hitano.. Porsche will return here with Vegas..' Hitano smile a little and say.. 'I hope so..' Emre then dissappear and return to Devas.. Cassieopeia then say.. 'Finally.. We are free..' Alena smile at Cassieopeia and say.. 'I only can pray for the best.. I hope Vegas and Porsche will be happy in human world.. They will be safe there..' Danaya then say.. 'Mother.. Sisters.. Lirean.. Lets go inside!' All of them then go into the Palace..

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