Ted gets up. "Lead the way."

Boosfer follows them through an "Employees Only" door and down a flight of stairs, where the waitress points them towards a door at the end of the corridor. Ted thanks her and walks straight into the office without knocking. Boosfer closes the door behind him and takes the room in quickly - small, kind of cramped, a large desk in the center and a wall of bookshelves looming behind it.

Behind the desk sits a man, surprisingly young, surprisingly handsome (although the mutton chops sure are an interesting choice). He gets up from his chair with a big grin to greet Ted with clasped hands and a short hug. An actual friend, it seems.

Boosfer stops by the door, out of the way. It's where he stays when they're in the presence of people who are not aware with what Ted earns his money. He doesn't get away with it now though.

"Come here, Boosfer," Ted tells him when both men have settled down into chairs on opposite sides of the desk.

Boosfer knows better than to refuse. He kneels next to Ted, hands behind his back, head down. As a reward, he gets a brief pet over his hair, and then the men begin to talk.

And Boosfer listens.

Ted takes him to a lot of meetings. Some important, some dangerous, some - few - fun. Sometimes all he does is stand in a corner or kneel on the floor, most of the time he's there for entertainment, but he always listens. It keeps him sane: If he collects all this information, he has to believe he will someday be in a position to use it. That is what keeps him going.

This meeting though is shaping up to be quite boring. Ted and Schlatt really are old friends, they share anecdotes and jokes and references Boosfer doesn't get, and talk little about things that matter.

He learns some more about Schlatt: He manages a moderately sized chain of diners that serve as a front for a way larger money laundering business, and seems to have his fingers in some other illegal stuff too - auctions, smuggling, buying and selling things that were not acquired by legal means. None of it really interests Boosfer, but he files it away anyway.

But mostly, it's boring. His legs have fallen asleep. He almost wishes he'd get to do what he was brought here for, get it over with already.

"What about you, Ted?" Schlatt asks above, "How's business going?"

"It's going, man. People always want to fuck."

The chair creaks as Schlatt leans back in it. "They sure do. Is that why you brought the eye candy with you?"

Boosfer tenses but doesn't look up.

Ted laughs. "A gift, you might say."

"Do I get to keep him?"

Boosfer doesn't like how he says it, too eager, and he's relieved when Ted says, "No. He's too good to waste away as your personal toy."

"Fuck you, Ted." Schlatt doesn't sound too upset. Boosfer hopes it's all banter or he'll probably be the one to pay for it. "So just for today?" Ted must nod, because the next thing Schlatt says is, "Come here, boy."

Boosfer stumbles to his feet. His legs sting and prickle as blood flows again, and he has to suppress a grimace as he rounds the desk. Schlatt is sprawled in his chair, legs spread obscenely, a grin on his face. Boosfer hesitates, but when no-one tells him what to do, he chooses the easiest option and sinks to his knees in front of Schlatt.

Schlatt leans forward, grabs his chin to tilt his face this way and that. "Oh, you're cute," he mutters under his breath.

Boosfer lets himself be touched and moved and stays in the position he's been put in when Schlatt lets go.

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