they stagger home single file

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Something different today! Aka I needed an excuse to write a colorcrew cuddle pile.

I have not watched the MCCR vod. Shame on me. I didn't watch them live so I knew how it ended and I can't make it more than halfway through the vod. They are so happy and so confident but I know how it's gonna end :( So I don't actually know how they reacted, but let me have this I just wanted to write fluff.

Also I have very little idea about the layout of the Color SMP. I do know that Boosfer's cave house is tiny, but elected to ignore that. Instead I made it an actual house. With rooms.

Title from Yorktown from Hamilton. I wanted to title this after a line from It's Alright by Mother Mother but the title of this fic has been decided for longer than most of the others have even existed. So I didn't, but give it a listen anyway it's a good song. :)

Characters: Boosfer, Dev, Kier, Yello

Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Sharing a Bed, Fluff, Cuddling, Crying

Words: 1403

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

They leave the bright colors, flashing lights and happy cheers of MCC Rising behind in the indigo swirls of the server portal. In sharp contrast, the spawnpoint of their homeworld is quiet and dark, save for the wind rustling the leaves and the lanterns dimly lighting up the paths leading away.

Dev clenches his fists. The silence is uncomfortable, it sticks to his skin like honey.

Something touches his hand, but he is too exhausted to even flinch.

"Come on," Kier mumbles, voice rough around the edges. Dev isn't sure if it's from shouting all tournament or from disappointment choking him up.

He doesn't answer, but he allows Kier to unfurl one of his fists and link their hands and lead him down a path in Boosfer's footsteps. Yello follows behind them. He has not said a word in... in...

Dev turns to check on him. Yello is staring at the ground as he walks, shoulders slumped, face shadowed by his drawn up hood. They pass a lantern, and Dev thinks his eyes are watering.

He tugs on Kier's hand to slow him down and reaches for Yello's with his free hand. Yello doesn't look up, but he clings to Dev like a lifeline.

Boosfer has waited for them. He's smiling, just barely, as he watches them.

"You guys wanna crash at my place tonight?"

Nobody points out that they are all following the same path, the path that only leads to Boosfer's base. Kier just nods, squeezes Dev's hand.

By the time they reach the cave entrance, Dev feels cold. Maybe it's the chill of the night, maybe it's tiredness and frustration freezing his blood. Whatever it is, Kier's and Yello's hands are warm, and so is Boosfer's smile as he lets them in.

They don't have anything on them, no armor or weapons, but they leave their shoes and Yello his jacket and follow Boosfer again. They all know their way around this base, but Dev doesn't feel like taking the lead. Or making decisions. Or anything, really. He just feels... tired.

Boosfer's hesitates by one of the doors in the hallway. "Are you hungry?"

Kier grimaces, Dev mutely shakes his head. The thought of food alone makes his stomach turn and brings a vile taste to his mouth.

Yello says nothing. Boosfer casts a worried glance in his direction and catches Dev's eye after. Dev takes Yello's hand again and holds his ground when Yello leans against him.

Color Crew Smut (Now On Wattpad!!!)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora