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Once a long time ago, Dream, Guardian of Positivity, and Ink, Creator of AUs, had children. Twins named Palette and Roller. Both had Star shaped eye lights, but Palette had green and yellow eye lights, while Roller's were blue and red. At first they were happy, but something began to twist Ink's mind. Convincing him Roller, the younger of the twins, was evil, like Nightmare. He cast him through a portal to the void and faked Roller's death. Ink felt guilt, not knowing why he had done that. Slowly, but surely, however, memories of Roller began to fade from people's minds.

Fate laughed. Roller was not dead in the void, but, rather, very much alive in the antivoid. She began twisting Roller. She made him into an ERROR. Destiny would whisper to Error, she told him stories and, most importantly, his original name, Roller. Error was forced by Fate to destroy and he lost his sanity. In his madness, he kidnapped Blue, who helped him restore his sanity. He then joined Nightmare's gang.

Error never told anybody his true name. Why? Because he feared the answers to his questions. Did his family hate him? Did Fate steal him? We're they even alive? He wanted to know, but didn't at the same time.

Dream and some others had noticed something strange about Error's checkbox. His name wasn't actually Error, the word error just blocked it out. He also had several hidden facts. They made a device to show his true checkbox.

Once they see his true checkbox, there is no going back.

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A/N: this is based off an idea from Firehedgehog idea factory.

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