Chapter 34- Kissing In The Moonlight

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"You're very understanding. I hope you're okay with us being like this. Jungkookie, are you happy with me?"

Jungkook place his palm on Taehyung's cheeks. "Oh my dear. Everywhere I go, as long as you're with me, I couldn't be happy enough. Of course, I always hope for people to know and accept us. At least, our friends. I hope they can accept my changes that you made. I'm being like this right now because of you. We have superb friends, Tae. I know they would accept us. But, maybe they need some times before we can reveal the truth. Taking more times won't hurt Tae. As long as you're with me and I'm with you, nothing can be an obstacle for us".

"Thank you Jungkook, thankyou so much".

Jungkook smile. "You're shaking. Are you feeling cold, baby?"

"Mmh kind of. It's getting freezing cold here".

"Need a hug for that?"

"I guess I need a big strong body to warm me up. Can you find one for me, Jungkook?"

"Found it. Come here sweetie". Jungkook open wide the jacket he's wearing, as Taehyung smile and get himself inside it, wrapping his arms tightly around Jungkook's body.

Taehyung close his eyes, laying his head on Jungkook's shoulder and hummed feeling some warmness finally coming up to him.

"Hmm I like this". Taehyung said as Jungkook smile, securing Taehyung's body safely in his arm, at the same time keeping themselves warm together.

"Let me ask you one more time, you just love to hug my big body right?"

"Mmh I'm too lazy to think of any other excuses, so yes I love it".

Jungkook chuckle hearing Taehyung's answer. While both of them in each other's embrace, Jungkook slowly sway their body left and right.

"Jungkook ah, if we want to remember this, how do you call this moment we are having now?" Taehyung ask, looking up to Jungkook.

Jungkook look around him. There's a moon, the sky full of stars, the sea, sound of waves and him with his boyfriend together, just them being alone.

"What about kissing in the moonlight?"

"But we are not kissing". Taehyung tilt his head in confusion.

"We are kissing now".

"What do you me--umph". Taehyung's words got cut off when he feel a pair of soft lips against his. Unknowingly he close his eyes, responding to the gentle kiss.

Jungkook pull Taehyung's waist closer, leaving no single inches between their body. The smooching sounds created by themselves make none of them want to pull away yet.

Jungkook pull away first, hearing Taehyung's slight whine when he stop kissing the older. But it's not Jungkook's intention to stop their kiss. He knows, both of them need more. Just..not in the middle of the cold night.

"Jump on me baby". Jungkook whisper softly.

Without asking anything, Taehyung just jump on Jungkook's body as the younger support him by his hips.


Jungkook slowly yet gently lay Taehyung's body on the bed. He hover above Taehyung as their kiss never broke, and Taehyung never take his arms off Jungkook neck.

While kissing, both tilt their head left and right, making their kiss more intense, coming with some heavy breaths from both.

Taehyung pull away, looking deep in Jungkook's eyes.

"Kiss me how ever you want, Jungkook".

Jungkook's kind of shocked. From the day they declare their relationship until now, they never change their style of kissing. At the moment Taehyung asked him to exclude bites or tongues in their making out session, Jungkook never have any urge to stop kissing Taehyung softly and gently, like he used to. But hearing Taehyung saying they can kiss how ever they want, Jungkook can't stop himself from being overwhelmed.

"You sure?"

Taehyung nod. "I won't change my mind".

Jungkook captured Taehyung's lips again, as Taehyung gladly kiss him back.

Adding some spice in their kiss, Jungkook softly bite Taehyung's lower lips, as the older moan and open his mouth. Without waiting any moment, he enter his tongue and swirl it around Taehyung's hot cavern. Sometimes he even sucked Taehyung tongue as he love hearing the older whimper in pleasure. In one deep kiss, Jungkook's naughty tongue do many things in Taehyung's mouth. From outside, their lips glued against each other, and from inside, Jungkook lead the way well in making their tongues nicely play and swirls with each other.

Both of them finally pull away, a string of saliva connected between their mouth, as Jungkook wipe it away by licking Taehyung's lips.

Jungkook look at the breath taking figure above him. His own boyfriend got pinned on the bed because of him, with his heavy breath, bruised lips and red blushing face. He's nearly turned on because of that.

As for Taehyung, he can't seems to chase away the butterflies in his stomach. Jungkook's heavy warm breath touching his face and his messy hair, yeah he did it. Can't blame him because Jungkook was giving him so much pleasure that his hands can't stay still. Taehyung can't get rid of the thought that Jungkook's on top of him is kind of hot. Like really really hot and attractive.

"What a hot make out session". Taehyung said, being shy.

"You ask for it, baby".

"What if I ask for more?"

"Then I'm gonna give you more". Jungkook said and again their lips connected as they kiss and having their own sweet world.

To be continued...

LOVELY TUTOR(TAEKOOK FF)-completed✔️-Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin