Comincia dall'inizio

"Yeah and I died," he reminded.

Sabrina opened and closed her mouth, frowning as she no longer knew how to argue back after that.

"Fine," she gave up, "What do you suggest we do?"

Benny thought for a moment, taking in their surroundings.

"We're not far from Jacob's house," he noticed, "He could help patch you up and then you can just text Charlie that you guys decided to do a little last minute sleepover."

"Even if that would work, it's still the middle of the night," Sabrina pointed out, "Jacob's definitely asleep by now."

Benny shrugged.

"Then we'll just have to wake him up."

And that's how Sabrina ended up breaking into Jacob Black's house at two in the morning.

Sabrina snuck around the small, cozy red house to Jacob's window, not wanting to disturb Billy. She cautiously tapped on the window, peering into his messy room. It's been a while since she'd been over to the Black's house and an even longer while since she'd managed to convince Jacob to let her clean his room. The place looked like pigsty.

After about the second round of relentlessly knocking on the window, Jacob's sleeping form began to stir. The boy sat up, still half-asleep and very confused. He looked around the room, scanning the mess of clothes, books, tools and snacks for the source of the obnoxious knocking sound before finally turning towards the window right beside his bed.

His eyes widened and he jumped, startled by the sudden presence of a person at his window but calmed as he recognised Sabrina who stood uncomfortably outside with twigs in her messy hair — hair that was strategically placed over her one shoulder to cover up the blood-stained rag she had pressed to her neck.

Yeah, she probably looked like an absolute zombie.

The girl waved sheepishly, flashing the boy a tired smile.

Jacob scrambled to slide open the window, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he leaned against the window sill, not noticing the blood.


His morning voice was deep and husky and Sabrina would be lying if she said she didn't find it incredibly attractive. Her throat suddenly went dry and her heart sped up. The girl blinked, trying to regain her focus — that was definitely not what she was supposed to be thinking about at that moment while she bled out on his windowsill.

"What are you doing here? It's like 2am," he questioned.

"It's a long story," she sighed, running a hand down her face, "Mind if I come in?"

Jacob nodded and backed up. Sabrina, without even a shred of grace, hoisted herself through the window and unceremoniously tumbled onto Jacob's bed and then onto the floor, landing with a thud.

"Owwwww," she groaned, somehow still managing to keep the rag on her wounds as her head swam and her body ached.

Jacob scoffed, fighting a smile from spreading across his face.

"Rough night?" He questioned.

"Something like that," she muttered, voice strained as she tried to play down the amount of pain she was in.

Jacob nodded and offered her a hand which she gladly took.

His hands were warm, a stark contrast to her fingertips that had grown icy cold in the crisper-than-usual night air.

"Thanks," she said as he pulled her to her feet.

"Sure," he said, blinking away the blurriness in his eyes, "So, what were you going to say you were—"

𝐄𝐔𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐀Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora