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Are you the person on the other side of the invisible string
The one I always craved to be tied to?
I tell myself "no, no, no, not this early, you can't trust yourself"
But it's almost as if my inner voice loses its strength, its fight
The fight is no more, I'm close to surrender
But will u keep my heart safe?
It's not too damaged,
But just enough to be a wild creature,
Unpredictable in its ways

Will you survive its attacks without a scratch?
Or run away,
'Cause it's a tad too much to take?
What will happen when you know who I am
Beneath all the armors and sheathed swords?
I'm just a huge imperfect mess
Not the good sort,
The bad one
I'm a dormant volcano,
Could burst anytime or
There's too much what-ifs surrounding me
Maybe I don't deserve you

I fear the surrender
'Cause with the surrender,
I unlock the cage sealing my heart in,
May be to get hurt
Or get healed for the better

But my biggest fear is
that letting my heart loose
might scar your heart
And I can never forgive myself
if I ever become the cause of your pain
It'll be a never-ending trial in my heart
With the gallows being your absence
Or worse,
Your broken heart

But the odds are equal,
May be I'll love you so much that you will carry a piece of my heart always with you.
But here's the thing,
I'll love you regardless

A budding writer's collectionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora