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"Two bodies, one soul", they whispered in awe

The greatest love of all time, they saw in us

Our fingers intertwined, the warm graze of your palm on my scarred icy hand,

Running through a forest of fireflies,

Oh, wasn't it our favorite adventure

I saw stars within your boundless grey eyes

When they gazed into the chocolate brown portals of mine,

For the first time in a long while, I truly felt alive

My life was a horrid hopeless harsh winter

A lonely lost soul navigating through the bleak frozen path

Words spoken like bullets against my delicate heart

"Worthless, useless, half-breed monster"

And I thought, maybe that's all I can ever hope to be

When I first met you, 

I didn't realise you were the first streak of sunlight in the blizzard

You melted all the snow,

Set fire to my soul

Like an ever-burning fireplace, 

Whose warmth you can't get enough of

In your presence, my heart ablaze

Lost in your forgiving embrace,

It's as if time came to a still

You healed my scars with a love surreal

In your eyes, I saw only what's real

For a second, however short it was,

My heart screamed of a joy never felt ever before

You were the God-sent angel to heal my monstrosity,

Each comforting word of yours a soothing balm over the wounds of my soul

You made me feel seen, Made me feel worthy of your ever-pouring love

But as every bittersweet tragic tale goes,

Now I only see you in the velvet purple sparkling night sky

Hoping against hope that you are the brightest star watching over me

I won't ask "why?" 'cause all I ever wanted to say was "thanks"

A thin veil separates our view,

Yet an infinite distance, It's true

I would not call it cruel,

'Cause the beauty of magic lies in it's short-lived spark

But Oh do I wish I were with you,

Chasing fireflies in heaven, too.

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