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Libitina's eyes fluttered open to the muted light filtering through cracked windows. The rhythmic sounds of wood chopping outside echoed in the quiet room. Confusion and remnants of fear from the previous night lingered, but a warmth seeped through the worn blanket that now covered her. The floor beneath her felt hard, yet strangely comforting.

As she sat up, the room came into focus. Tyler was nowhere to be seen. The chopping sounds persisted, drawing her curiosity. Libitina carefully rose, the worn floor creaking beneath her. The room seemed different in the daylight, shadows playing on peeling wallpaper.

Venturing outside, the chilly air met her face. The small, dilapidated house stood against the backdrop of a forest, and there, in the small yard, Tyler was busy chopping wood. The muscles in his back flexed with each swing of the axe.

Libitina hesitated, watching him for a moment. His actions seemed mundane, a stark contrast to the revelation of the night before—the smell of freshly chopped wood mixed with the earthy scent of the forest.

Tyler stopped when he sensed her presence, turning to face her. The tension from the night lingered, but there was an unspoken understanding between them.

"Morning," he said, wiping sweat from his forehead.

Libitina nodded, her gaze wandering to the pile of neatly chopped wood. "Why... why are you doing this?"

He offered a small smile. "Survival involves more than just hiding. We need warmth, especially with the storm last night." His tone was simple, knowing there was tension between the trust the pair once shared.

"I don't want to keep running," Libitina stated. "I've been locked up too long to be running forever..."

"You have your family to thank for locking you up for so long," Tyler scoffed, Tyler's distaste for the Addams Family breaking through his usual calm composure. "Are you sure you weren't swapped with a different infant, because you simply don't belong in that sort?"

Libitina sighed. "Maybe I didn't belong there, but biologically I am related to them." There had been a story told by Wednesday when the girls were younger and she would taunt Libitina that she was swapped with a different child.

Tyler's expression softened as he regarded Libitina. "Belonging is a complex thing, Libby. Sometimes, it's not about blood but about who accepts you for who you are. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have that kind of family."

A wistful look crossed Libitina's face. "I'm not even sure I know who I am. It's like... a puzzle with missing pieces. And this revelation about you being a Hyde, it's like finding a piece that doesn't fit."

"Hyde or Addams, we're both freaks of nature." Tyler shrugged, turning his attention back to the wood. "And if you ask me, you're better off not knowing who you really are." There was much Tyler didn't know about the creature that lived within him.

Libitina frowned at his remark. She watched Tyler continue his task, noticing the way the muscles in his arms rippled with each swing. A strange, familiar sensation began to stir within her. She shook her head, pushing the feeling away. "Is that why you don't want to return home?"

There was a pause. "My father would happily throw me back in another mental hospital, or better yet kill me himself." Tyler turned, his face paled with anger, the vein on his forehead bulging.

Libitina's gaze faltered. The conversation was bringing back the tension between them. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to—"

"You're the only person who accepted me for who I am, and I did an honourable thing by sparing your life that night." That's when the nightmare visions returned to Libitina, the night the monster took pleasure in killing those who had harmed him during his short stay in Willowhill Hospital. "But maybe it was too risky keeping an Addams alive."

Libitina stepped closer, her voice softening. "Why didn't you kill me then, Tyler?"

Tyler's grip tightened around the axe, his jaw clenching. He didn't speak, and the silence stretched for what seemed like hours. The monster inside him clawed at his chest, the pain threatening to consume him.

Libitina's gaze drifted back to the house. "If I'm so much trouble, then kill me." The girl challenged. "You want to kill my sister so much, so why not target me." She knew it would be a mercy kill, no emotional pain would be inflicted on her biological family.

Tyler's expression remained impassive as he looked down at the petite girl. Her brown eyes were wide with innocence and a hint of fear, the dark lashes framing her delicate features.

"I should've killed you, Libby." Tyler finally said, the axe hanging loosely at his side. "It would have saved us both a lot of trouble. But it's too late now."

Libitina held his gaze. She had no doubt that if the monster chose to take over, she wouldn't survive. Yet, she still believed Tyler could control the monster inside. "Do it, no one would miss me."

Tyler's gaze softened. He dropped the axe and reached out, grasping her chin. "Don't say that. You have your whole life ahead of you."

"No, my fate is grave in this forest or locked away behind bars." Libitina retorted. The anger bubbled inside Tyler. "The Hyde inside you wouldn't let me live, my fate is with your other victims."

The monster was ready to emerge. The grip on her chin tightened as Tyler drew her closer. "Then, perhaps your death is imminent."

Libitina stared up at him, her pulse racing. She was aware of his touch, the closeness between them.

Tyler's lips were mere inches from hers, his breath brushing across her face. The urge to taste her lips was almost overwhelming, yet he remained motionless. "Kiss me, or kill me, Tyler."

Tyler's grip tightened, his lips inches from hers. "I'll fight the monster inside me, for the sake of your survival." His lips claimed hers, a sense of possessiveness in the kiss. Tyler's lips collided with Libitina's, a desperate kiss filled with rage and need. Libitina's body stiffened, then melted into his. Her lips parted, and their tongues entwined.

A groan escaped him as he pulled her closer, his hand moving from her chin to the nape of her neck. She wrapped her arms around his neck, returning his passion. A fire ignited within him, consuming him more than the Hyde had ever done.

The Second Act » Tyler GalpinWhere stories live. Discover now