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Libitina found herself confined to the desolate ruins of the old abandoned house. It was far from a comfortable dwelling, and the conditions were less than ideal. However, she had endured much worse in the hospital, and the taste of freedom was worth the discomfort. In the shadows of the decaying structure, Libitina and Tyler's alliance continued to grow stronger. They navigated the challenges of their newfound freedom together, learning to rely on each other in ways they never thought possible.

Libitina took on the responsibility of venturing into town to gather supplies. It was too risky for Tyler to be seen in public, and she had willingly assumed the role of Libby Galpin, a distant relative who came to take care of her supposedly ailing uncle.

As she stood in the local supermarket, the words echoed in her mind like a mantra. "Libby Galpin," she whispered to herself, adopting her new identity with practiced ease. The act was necessary to keep them both safe, and she had become remarkably adept at playing the role of a concerned niece caring for her reclusive uncle. She carefully selected items, filling her basket with necessities, her pockets hiding the money needed to pay for them. Tyler had emptied his bank account, before being caught up in the rebellion against Nevermore, the institution that had held them captive for so long, he never had a use for money inside the hospital walls.

Libitina had learned to keep her head down and blend into the background, adopting a demeanor of quiet normalcy as she moved among the townsfolk. The baseball cap she wore helped shield her features from prying eyes, allowing her to remain unnoticed in the midst of their everyday routines.

She watched the locals go about their shopping, their conversations and interactions a stark contrast to the chaotic and stifling atmosphere of the hospital. It was a strange feeling, being among people who knew nothing of her past, of the darkness she had left behind. For a brief moment, it almost felt like a taste of the normal life she had never truly experienced.

At the far end of the soup aisle, Libitina stood, carefully weighing her choices between two different pasta brands. She couldn't help but overhear a conversation between two strangers taking place nearby.

One of them was a girl, dressed entirely in black attire, her long black hair draped with wispy bangs that veiled her pale face. She held herself with an air of indifference as she conversed with a police officer, unbeknownst to Libitina that this officer was Tyler's father. "I see you're back for another semester at Nevermore," the police officer remarked to the girl.

The girl's voice remained emotionless as she responded, "Yes, well, I had no interest in public school." It was Wednesday Addams, a name that sent shivers down the spine of anyone who knew the Addams family and their peculiarities.

"I think Tyler had the same assumption," the officer muttered, his tone heavy with concern. Libitina couldn't help but shudder at the implications. Could it really be the same innocent soul who had aided her escape from the monstrous confines of the mental hospital?

"Yes, I did hear about the escape from the hospital," the mysterious girl chimed in, her voice as cool and detached as ever. "I hear fourteen people lost their lives in the process." Her words hung in the air, casting an eerie pall over the supermarket aisle. Libitina felt her heart race as she pretended to focus on the pasta boxes, anxiety gnawing at her.

Libitina maintained her cover, pretending to peruse the pasta options while her heart continued to race. "I'm sure the staff will find Tyler safely before he can hurt anyone else." The officer's words, tinged with concern for Tyler's wellbeing, hung in the air.

As the officer's phone rang, he glanced at it and excused himself, his duty calling him away. "Stay out of trouble, Addams," he advised the mysterious girl before he left the aisle.

Libitina couldn't shake the sense of unease that clung to her. The conversation she had overheard had raised more questions than answers, and the mention of Tyler's escape and the alleged casualties sent chills down her spine. What had Tyler gotten himself into, and how deep did the darkness that followed him truly run?

Libitina hurried through the rest of her shopping, determined to avoid any further encounters with the mysterious girl from the pasta aisle. She made her way to the checkout, paid for her items with the cash in her pocket, and quickly left the supermarket.

Once outside, she couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease. She needed to get back to the abandoned house quickly and share this unsettling information with Tyler.

As Libitina walked back to the abandoned house under the bright sun, the weight of what she had overheard continued to press upon her. With every step, she couldn't shake the feeling that something much darker was at play, and the mysteries surrounding Tyler's past and Nevermore were becoming increasingly intertwined. Libitina quickened her pace, clutching the bag of groceries tightly, eager to return to the safety of the old house where Tyler waited.

Libitina approached Tyler cautiously, her footsteps soft on the overgrown path leading to the abandoned house. She noticed his casual demeanor and the damaged phone in his hand, which piqued her curiosity. "Got everything we need?" he asked, trying to appear nonchalant despite the unease that had been gnawing at him since Libitina's departure.

Libitina nodded, the weight of the groceries in her arms a stark contrast to the heavy thoughts weighing on her mind. "Yeah, got the essentials," she replied, attempting to keep her voice steady.

Tyler could sense that something was amiss, her demeanor reflecting the unease that he himself felt. "You seem tense," he observed, concern flickering in his eyes. "What happened?"

Libitina hesitated for a moment, debating whether to share her concerns about the conversation she overheard in the supermarket. But the bond that had formed between them, born from their shared escape and their time together, urged her to speak the truth.

"I overheard a conversation between a girl named Addams and a police officer," she began, her voice low and cautious. "They were talking about your escape from the hospital."

Tyler's expression shifted from curiosity to apprehension, his mind racing to process this new information. "Wednesday Addams?" he repeated, a sense of dread creeping into his tone.

Libitina shrugged. She didn't see much of the girl, she wasn't sure if it was the girl she was related to. Her mind was blank just trying to make sense of the situation at hand. Libitina shook her head, her brown eyes filled with worry. "I didn't see her face clearly, but she mentioned the escape from the hospital."

Tyler ran a hand through his curly hair, his thoughts racing as he contemplated their next steps. "We need to find out what she knows, but we'll need to be careful. She's not someone to underestimate."

"I know what Wednesday is capable of. She was once my sister." Libitina concluded.

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